Saturday, March 31, 2012

Hey, You Should Play This #6: Sonic 2 HD Alpha

I'm not even a big Sonic fan and I can totally appreciate this HYSPT game! Some very talented individuals have decided to take it upon themselves to create an HD remake of Sonic 2 and boy does it look nice!  Like mind-blowingly nice!  The animation on the title screen is so good it's almost creepy!  Unfortunately all they have released so far is an Alpha version which only has the first two levels, but they play picture perfect!  Play control, Sonic physics, and everything are spot on identical to the original game, it just has an incredible visual upgrade that you really gotta see.  It's better than every crappy port Sega has has dumped out over the past 5 years put together, probably.  They are definitely doing better at making retro Sonic games than Sega, if Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode 1 was any indication.

 Hit the jump for the download, as usual!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Friday Clip-Show: Super Friends (In Name Only)

This clip from Cartoon Network's DC Nation programming block asks the question, "What's in a name?" I'm just blown away from the sheer volume of cameos in this video. And was that Dana Snyder (Master Shake from ATHF) voicing Plastic Man?

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Adventure Time Full Season 1 DVD!


Finally instead of those DVDs like My Two Favorite People and It Came From The Nightosphere that only have a smattering of handpicked episodes, Cartoon Network has finally announced a release of the full first season of Adventure Time! On top of that they're promising a whole bunch special features, some shot by show creator Pendleton Ward with his own camera phone, and a ton of commentaries from both the creative team and voice actors. It sounds like a pretty awesome set, and it's cool of Cartoon Network to give adult fans something like this. Now give us a full box set of Batman the Brave and the Bold!

The Adventure Time Season 1 DVD box set comes out on 7/10/12 and is going to cost a pretty reasonable $26.95. I'll probably be picking one up!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Anchorman Sequel Announced!

Will Ferrell as Ron Burgundy appeared on Conan to announce that a sequel to Anchorman is finally in the works! Paul Rudd and Steve  Carell are already confirmed to return for the film, according to the website Deadline.

This announcement is leaving me in a glass case of emotion, and that emotion is happiness.  This has taken way too long to come together and I don't think they'd do it without making it good. I wonder if Christina Applegate will return too?

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Tenacious D Returns With New Album

Looks like the world is about to come down with a case of The D... wait, that didn't come out right.

"Rise of the Fenix" drops May 15th.

Cartoon Planet is Coming Back! [UPDATE!]

According to a Cartoon Network commercial I just saw in a sleepy haze (that I subsequently cannot find anywhere on the internet) and a blurb on Wikipedia, the 90s Space Ghost, Brak, and Zorak cartoon host show is coming back on the 30th!  Now they'll be showing classic Cartoon Network cartoons (think Powerpuff Girls) which makes it double awesome.  The only sad news? Looks like Space Ghost won't be making the return trip-- New Cartoon Planet is strictly a Brak and Zorak affair.  I'll miss Space Ghost (and the hilarious George Lowe who provides his voice), but am entirely confident that Brak and Zorak can carry the show.  Color me excited!

UPDATE!- They finally uploaded that commercial I mentioned! It's after the break.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Sunday Short Story (3/25/12): Johnny Mnemonic Edition

Put me on the grid, 1 is like totally gross and 10 is "Dang Johnny Mnemonic you look totally siiiick!"

Remember that terrible 1995 Keanu Reeves vehicle  Johnny Mnemonic? Well, before it was a terrible movie it was actually a really good short story by William Gibson.  The plot is fairly similar, but when you read the story you don't have to hear Keanu's terrible acting-- and instead of Johnny having a weak Hollywood "girlfriend" character named Jane, he hangs out with the one and only Molly Millions from Gibson's book Neuromancer.  Molly is about the raddest, I mean, she has razors hidden under her fingernails and mirrored sunglasses surgically attached to her face! If that doesn't get you to read this short story, nothing will.  Anyway, I'm still tired from HorrorHound Weekend (expect a writeup with more pictures soon!) so I'm gonna wrap it up here.

Read it here!

Remember, we're still taking suggestions and submissions here!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Angry Birds Space (iOS) [Review]

Everybody knows the Angry Birds franchise now if they want to or not, since the orignal games are available on just about every device (for free or close to free) and you can't walk into a Wal-Mart without seeing them all over every product in the dang store.  Seriously next time you're in a big box store like that, count how many Angry Birds products you see. From pet toys to plushies to adhesive strips, there's nothing they won't put the birds on.  So does all this merchandising success lead to a deeper, more engrossing game then the orignal bird flinging sensation?

Disney Epic Mickey 2 Announcement Trailer!

Wow, the graphics look about a million times better, but when you move from just Wii to Xbox 360 and PS3 as well, you'll have that.  The character animation looks really stiff-- which is a major flaw for a game about cartoon characters-- but I'm sure that's something they'll fix before the game comes out, being that it's still in development.  Oswald's helicopter ears screams old platform game from the late 90s, but hey, it works.  I mean twirling hair worked for Dixie Kong!

Friday Clip-Show: The Aquabats vs. Facebook!

The MC Bat Commander answered some questions from Facebook fans, and the world is better off for it.

Watch the second half after the jump!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Mystery Machine Can Be Yours!

Need a good van to drive around the country solving mysteries? Do you live in the San Francisco Bay Area? You can't do any better the Mystery Machine!  For a scant $3,200 bucks you too can have a groovy van that seats three of your friends and your Great Dane.  I imagine, though, that it's prone to breakdowns in front of old haunted mansions.  If you're lucky, maybe there's still a half finished box of Scooby Snacks in the back.  The only flaw? I'm pretty sure that's not how you spell Jinkies.

[Source] via io9

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Epic Mickey Returns and This Time It's Musical

According to a Washington Post article, Warren Spector's Junction Point Studios have been hard a work crafting a sequel to 2010 Wii hit Epic Mickey.  This time though the game will feature several new additions chief among them a functional camera, which was one of the main issues of the original game, which I found quite enjoyable despite it's flaws.  Spector has said the team has been working at fixing the camera since day one, and that:

Our goal is that you will not have to touch the manual camera controls even once to play through the main story path of this game

Sounds good, but apparently there's all sorts of new features worth getting excited about, including 2 player co-op, both new and old locations to visit, voice acting, and strangely for a video game, musical numbers.  The songs are supposed to be frequent, and change depending on whether you've made good or mischievous choices during the game, which should be entertaining, assuming the songs are good (as long as they are better than the ones in Kingdom Hearts 2, we should be OK).  Also fan-favorite 1928 character Oswald will be voiced by Frank Wellker, the voice of Fred Jones from the original Scooby Doo, and several Transformers.  There was no release date given, but I would guess (and this is purely baseless speculation; don't quote me) it will arrive conveniently in time for Christmas, just like the original.

[Source] via bleedingcool

Debut Trailer for Telltale's The Walking Dead Game

A couple of days ago Telltale released the debut trailer for their hotly anticipated game based on Robert Kirkman's The Walking Dead. The graphics look really great, mirroring the look of the comics pretty much exactly.  I'm not sold on this though until we see some actual gameplay footage.  Telltale has said it isn't a shooter (which is good because that wouldn't fit the world of TWD at all), but they also said it's not a traditional adventure game either, and doesn't rely on quick time events like their Jurassic Park game did.  So how does it play, then!?  I'm sure we'll find out soon as they release more videos as the game gets closer and closer to release in April.  Until then, though, it'd be cool if Telltale was a little clearer about what they were up too.  It makes me wonder if they are working with some terrible game mechanics they don't want to show us until it's too late and you've already pre-ordered.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

A Regular Show Preview From Wondercon!

Hey, here's a clip from the new episode of Regular Show, premiering on the 26th! OHHHHHHHHHH!!! Looks pretty hilarious, I love the Power Glove-- or excuse me-- the "Maximum" Glove.  Having kids' eyes burst into flames is always a nice touch for any product.

All The Kid Icarus AR Cards So Far!

You guys want some Kid Icarus AR cards? (Our pageview counters say you do!) Check out this Nintendo games site Nintendo Fuse, where they 63 total scans of 'em! I can't wait to try these suckers out when the game comes out March 23rd!  I've heard there are some play control issues, but overall it's a fun experience.  I'll let you all know if it's worth the $39.99 you gotta plunk down for it when I review it, sometime soon!

Check out the 63 card set here, or check out the 10 we have here!


Monday, March 19, 2012

Hey, You Should Play This #5: NEO Scavenger

Time for another HYSPT! This time I've got a unique little hex-based survival game for all y'alls, called NEO Scavenger.  In it you wake up in a cryogenics lab and discover a seemingly deserted world gone to hell.  Did I mention you have absolutely nothing but a hospital gown? Yeah, that's all you get, in a game where you have to keep track of your temperature, thirst, hunger, and fatigue you start with a crappy gown that doesn't cover your butt. Read on for more thoughts and a link to try out NEO Scavenger!

Indie Bundle Alert: Humble Bundle for Android #2

Hey, there's a new Humble Bundle on the scene!  Pay anything you want and net four games playable on Mac, Windows, Linux, and of course Android!  If you beat the average payment ($6.05 as of this writing) you also get Swords and Soldiers as well!  As with previous Bundles, you can designate how much of your money goes to which charity or the developers too.  Unfortunately, I can't tell you if any of the games are any good (besides Canabalt which is awesome) since I haven't played them, but for pay-what-you-want, you can't really go wrong. Plus: charity!

Check it here!

Bioware Reported to the FTC by Neckbearded Whiners

So apparently the ending to Mass Effect 3 isn't so hot.  I haven't finished it yet, having just recently completed 2 and I'm now currently awaiting its arrival from Gamefly (expect a review!).  Still though it can't be as bad as some Bioware "fans" think it is, who have gone as far as to report Bioware to both the Federal Trade Commission and the Better Business Bureau, just because of the bad taste the game's ending has left in their collective mouths.  Apparently this ridiculous idea was spurred by Bioware forum user El Spiko who claims Bioware/EA lied to him and did not deliver the experience they had promised, making it in his deranged mind, "false advertising". Here's a quote from Mr. Spiko:
This is not somethign I was happy to do, but after the terrible ending that was in no way the product that had been advertised to me and the lack of any kind of response from Bioware/EA to address this, I felt it was one of my only recourses. I’ll be returning my copy of the game before the end of my 30 day return policy if the ending still hasn’t been addressed by then.

Let me translate that for you, what El Spiko is doing is basically this.  It doesn't end there though.

Teenage ALIEN Ninja Turtles?! NOOOOOO!!! [UPDATE!]

Michael Bay, why can't you leave my childhood alone? That's right, last week Bay, whose production company Platinum Dunes currently owns the rights to TMNT, released a statement that made my heart hurt. He said, and I quote:
“When you see this movie, kids are going to believe, one day, that these turtles actually do exist when we are done with this movie. These turtles are from an alien race and they are going to be tough, edgy, funny and completely lovable.”


... What?!


I hope Bay was just mistaken about the origins of the Turtles, but needless to say my hope of a decent revival of the TMNT movie franchise has been dashed somewhat.


Sources say that the movie's title will be changed to simply "Ninja Turtles."

Click the "Read More" tab to see the actual video.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Super Best Friends Forever in its Super Best Entirety!

If you couldn't tell, we here at the Pizza Xtreme Team Orbital Satellite of Pizza Awesomeness had been eagerly  (see our eager face?) anticipating the premiere of Lauren Faust's Super Best Friends Forever DC Nation short.  Even though I really, really wish it was longer than 1:16, it's totally an awesome 1:16.  So if you weren't a big enough dork to be up at 10am to watch it when it aired between Green Lantern and Young Justice like I may of been, here it is!  Now let's hope this gets made into a full series!

Sunday Short Story (3/18/12): Hangover Edition!

I know yesterday was St. Patrick's day and a lot of you probably don't feel up to reading a short story after your drunken night of green-tinted debauchery, so instead of presenting you with something to read, here's author Neil Gaiman (who is like, the best) reading the first chapter of his Newberry Medal winning young adult novel, The Graveyard Book. Technically it's a YA book, but honestly it's so good I would recommend it to anyone.  Enjoy!

Remember, Sunday Short Story is still taking submissions of either stories you wrote, or great ones on the internet you think we should feature!  Just send me an e-mail with the subject Sunday Short Story!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

Here's the best St. Patrick's Day video I could find on the entire internet.  Have fun, drink some green beer, and be safe! Also, those of you not wearing green right now, I am pinching you via Irish magic through the internet.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Twisted Metal (PS3) [Review]


Last time we saw Twisted Metal was back in 2008 with Twisted Metal Head-On: Extra Twisted Edition (itself being a port of 2005's PSP launch title Twisted Metal Head-On).  What I'm getting at here is we haven't seen a Twisted Metal game in a long time. Boy am I tired of writing this kind of opening, this whole "Hey, an old franchise you loved is back, is it any good?" schtick is old-- how 'bout some original games, game industry! Or at least update your franchises often enough so I don't feel compelled to mention it, I guess.  Anyways, hit the jump and all that if you're curious if the new Twisted Metal for PS3 is any good.

Friday Clip-Show: Duck! Rabbit, Duck!

We're going old-school fro this week's clip-show. They just don't make cartoons like this anymore.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Pull List #4 - "The One Where Pull List Fights The Russian" [Review]

Howdy everyone! I'm coming in under the gun with The Pull List this week, and so I don't have time think up a witty opening paragraph. Click the button and LET'S GET TO IT!

First Trailer of Tim Burton's Dark Shadows

Here's the just released trailer for Tim Burton's remake of the classic late sixties early seventies gothic soap opera, Dark Shadows.  It's leaving me conflicted...on one hand, it looks funny and entertaining, but on the other hand this really isn't Dark Shadows.  The original Dark Shadows was moody and dark.   Any laughs you had we're because the mic fell into frame or somebody flubbed their lines, not because the show was legitimately funny.  They really turned up the camp, and it makes me worry about the movie as a fan of the original Dark Shadows.  Hopefully it works, though.

LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes Teaser Trailer

The first teaser trailer for the next installment of the LEGO Batman game franchise hit today, and needless to say I am totally psyched. I'm really surprised the game (or at least this trailer) incorporates actual spoken dialog, which may be a first for the LEGO games.

South Park Reveals the Dangers of the Common Toilet

Last night was the season 16 premiere of South Park. While not being one of their best episodes, it was still pretty good. If you don't want the episode spoiled, you can watch the episode here before traversing into the jump for a summary and a clip (NSFW, obviously)!

REMINDER: Community Returns Tonight!

Make sure there's room in your schedule to watch the season premiere of Community tonight at 8pm (Eastern)! If you don't I'm not sure if we can be friends anymore.

Mario Party 9 (Wii) [Review]

Ah, Mario Party, everyone's favorite board game/video game hybrid from the days when a N64 with 4 controllers was where it was at.  After everybody was done playing Goldeneye someone would suggest Mario Party, the others would begrudgingly agree, (as long as it's no more than 20 turns!) everyone would crack a Mountain Dew to keep the caffeine high up, then hurt their hands spinning the control stick with their palms (Mario Party Stigmata).

That was then (junior high school) though, this is now (old, in college too long).  Nine Mario Parties later does it hold up? Maybe if you replace the Mountain Dew with alcohol.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A First Look At Super Best Friends Forever!

Comics Alliance tossed up an exclusive first look at Lauren Faust's (of Pony fame) Super Best Friends Forever short!  Watch it up there, and hit the Comics Alliance link for some more screenshots from the short.  It's super cute and very Lauren Faust,  I'm guessing it will premier this Saturday morning, because we got a preview of Baby Superman the same week it aired.

Happy π Day!

That's right it's 3/14, Pi Day! To celebrate, here's a video mashing up My Little Pony and Magnum PI! ... that's close enough, right?
If that wasn't good enough (and it probably wasn't) hit the jump for Hard N Phirm's Pi song with it's hilarious Zoom inspired video.  Then if you want some real maths blasted into yo brain, check out Why Pi is Wrong, by Vi Hart.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Double Fine Makes $3 Million!!!

See the three exclamation points in the title? That's one for each million!  In case you don't remember what this was about back when they hit 2 million bucks, Tim Schafer's Double Fine Productions is making an old school adventure game (along the lines of Monkey Island or Grim Fandango) and are raising money via Kickstarter.  They have obviously reached their goal (and then some!) but you can still drop some cash before the last six hours are up to get some of the awesome bonuses!  They are also going to live stream the countdown during the Kickstarter's final minutes here, which is sure to be a fun watch!

Visit the Double Fine Adventure Kickstarter here!

Gotham City Princesses

Ever wonder what Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, and Catwoman would look like if they were Disney Princesses? Deviant artist Cat Londers answers that question with very cute results.

Donkey Kong 3DS Debunked!

According to GameStop, the Donkey Kong 3D box that we reported on a few days ago was "not supplied by Nintendo," and "have been taken down."  Sorry, folks who were hoping GamesStop had some insider information about a yet unannounced Donkey Kong project, looks like it's not happening.  Don't wanna say I totally called it, but I totally called it.


Monday, March 12, 2012

Adventure Time #2 Preview!

The second issue of the Adventure Time comic hits the stores this Wednesday, March 14th, but you can see some pages now! The first issue was a huge hit and sold out fast. I imagine this one will too. Be sure to grab your copy!

Click the jump to see the preview pages!

Weekly Craft Geekery: 3/12/12

Hey again! Welcome to another fun collection of my finds on Etsy. Today I found a nice Hunger Games necklace, some pretty great set of Arrested Development Glasses, cute plush Super Mario ice and fire flowers, awesome Mass Effect 3 necklace, and a pretty cool Pokémon badge charm bracelet. Let's check them out!

Here is a nice, subdued necklace inspired by the Hunger Game books and upcoming movie. I don't think most people would know what it is right away by looking at it. It is Peeta's pearl he gives to Katniss on the beach. It is also nice enough to wear with anything, from casual to something more dressy. I bet it would look good paired with a cute dress. Heck, you could probably take the pearl out and put something else in it. You should check out the other pictures to see it closed. This picture doesn't do it justice.

Click the jump for more of the picks!

Adventure Time Returns April 2nd! Mathematical!

Totally Rhombus! According to a press release from Cartoon Network, Emmy nominated Adventure Time will be returning for its 4th season on April 2nd! Love the fact that the gaps between seasons are so short, they are really pumping these things out!

Kid Icarus Trading Card Scans From GDC!

Tiny Cartridge just uploaded some scans of exclusive Kid Icarus AR Cards you can only get at GDC!  These cards will (when the game comes out) unlock weapons for Pit to use, or monsters for use in the still unseen AR Battle mode! Hit the jump for the rest!

Hey You Should Play This #4: Dys4ia

Dys4ia is an autobiographical game created by Anna Anthropy about her experience with hormone therapy, and it's surprisingly personal, moving, and thought-provoking.  I know the words "personal, moving, and thought-provoking" aren't descriptors people  normally are looking for when it comes to video games, but maybe it's something people should.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sunday Short Story (3/11/12)

Hey everybody, it's time for Sunday Short Story! Sorry I missed last week, some big things came up, I was sick, and, uhhh, out of town? No I'm lying, I actually just, well, I completely forgot. My bad! I'm making up for it though by bringing you one of my favorite H.P. Lovecraft story, The Rats in the Walls.  It's a terifying tale of secret family histories, sub-human cattle, and of course, rats in walls.  It even ties into the Cthulhu Mythos, and is probably a decent first step into the world of Lovecraft.

Read it here!

Also, Sunday Short is accepting submissions as well!  If you have a short story (that you wrote or from somewhere on the internet) that you'd like featured on SSS, just pop me an e-mail here (or click the little envelope on the right) with the subject "Sunday Short Story".  Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn, everybody!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Donkey Kong for 3DS Spotted In the Wild?

A forum user on manged to snap a pic of Donkey Kong 3D available for preorder at their local EB Games.  Now, being that Nintendo hasn't officially announced anything DK-related for 3DS (yet) this is interesting.  Does EB Games know something we don't know, or is it just them trying to get your preorder money for a game that doesn't even exist?  My bet's on the latter, but hey, a Donkey Kong game on a Nintendo platform is pretty much inevitable.


The Wampug Strikes Back

Remember Chubbs the Wampug from last Halloween? Well, she's back again starring in a remake of the beginning of The Empire Strikes Back. She's so cute, I wouldn't object if George Lucas edited her into the actual movie for the 3D release.


Friday, March 9, 2012

Hey You Should Play This #3: DoomRL

Everyone has played the original Doom, it's one of the greatest games of all time, a true classic. (And if yo haven't you can even play it in your browser here.)  Heck, whenever someone hacks (or jailbreaks) a device, one of the first things somebody does is put Doom on it, even stuff like calculators!  All those are the same classic FPS Doom though.  DoomRL answers the question, "Why not, instead of playing the same Doom on a different device, we played a different Doom on the same device?"

Friday Clip-Show: Avengers Trailer (Sort of)

You know what? I think I'd be OK with this being the actual film.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

What the Women of the Future Would Look Like, According to 1902 French Trading Cards

Happy International Women's Day! Go hug an important female in your life.

Here are some pretty cool french trading card from 1902 that depict women in many "futuristic" careers as journalists, sailors, generals, and even students with a jauntily held cigarette. Click the jump to see all these beauties!

The Pull List #3 - "Revenge of the Pull List" [Review]

Welcome to the latest installment of The Pull List, a weekly article in which I pick... waitaminute... how long has it been? 3 months?! OK folks, I'll be honest, I kinda got behind on my comics reading. Now, I could give you all a some sob story about how I haven't had time to read comics in a while and how I have been sick constantly since the start of the year, but I'm a much classier guy than that. What matters is that I'm here, you're here, and there are comic books I want to talk about. So LET'S READ COME COMICS!

New Kid Icarus Video Shows Off Some Pretty Rad Stuff

Every time I see another video for Kid Icarus: Uprising it makes me that much more excited for it.  There's some fun banter between Lady Palutena and Pit, as well as the tons of cool weapons you can collect.  Also: Tempura Wizard! Can't wait.

Could Courage the Cowardly Dog Be Coming Back to TV?

Recent buzz on Tumblr and Buzzfeed would lead one to believe that yes, Courage is returning in 2012. Unfortunately, I can't find any solid sources so I wouldn't take it with a grain of salt.  The Youtube video proposes that it's a "leaked trailer," but it was uploaded Sept. 2011.  The production values seem a little bit lower than one would expect from a Cartoon Network promo.  I'd file this under "too good to be true".  Plus, I'd much rather see Dexter's Laboratory come back anyways.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Miss Community? Here's an Ugly Cartoon

NBC has put up the first of a three part animated series to promote Community's return on March 15th!  The writing is decent and it definitely feels like the Community we all know and love, it just unfortunately looks like a Newgrounds Flash cartoon from circa 2003.  Those character designs are so ugly and only bear slight resemblance to the actors and actresses they are suposed to represent!  They should of just filmed it live action rather than with ugly cartoons and jerky animation.

Favorite Tumblr Right Now


The Tumblr, Batman Running away From Shit is based on the opinion that "60's Batman is a coward." It's difficult to dispute this claim with all the evidence.

Sim City Rises From the Dead

EA announced a new Sim City the other day! There hasn't been a new Sim City since Sim City 4 in 2003 (not counting Societies in 2007 because it was abysmal and hardly a Sim City game) so it's cool to see the beloved franchise come back and for the first time, in full 3D! Unfortunately, the release date isn't until 2013, but hey, Sim City!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Hey You Should Play This #2: mari0

Imagine this scenario: Hey you got your Portal in my Super Mario Bros.!  You got your Super Mario Bros. in my Portal! It's delicious!  This is what I'm guessing went on at that led to the development of their latest release, mari0.  To distill it down to the most basic description, it's the original Mario with a portal gun, which on it's own is pretty neat-- but it's the extra stuff that really sells it.

Psycho Gothic Lolita (2011) [Review]

Japanese Grindhouse/Exploitation films hold a special place in my heart-- I think it's the combination of over-the-top blood spraying violence and out there Japanese bizarreness.   Most never take themselves too seriously and are filled with wacky characters with cool wardrobes, unique weaponry, and crazy attitudes.  With a title like Psycho Gothic Lolita (or by Japanese title Gothic and Lolita Psycho) you'd think it would live up too all those things and be as crazy violent as Tokyo Gore Police, or as over the top as The Machine Girl (both of which are on Netflix, so go watch'em if you haven't) but for some reason it just doesn't quite.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Despicable Me 2 Trailer Released

Apparently they are making Despicable Me 2, which begs the question does every children's CG animated movie need a sequel? According to Dreamworks and Illumination Entertainment who created the original Despicable Me, the answer is a resounding YES. If Dreamworks had made Toy Story, we'd be on the 7th one by now instead of the 3rd. Also they would of all had a dancing scene to a popular song.  Illumination also did the now-in-theaters movie The Lorax, which looks bad.

Anyways, the trailer for Despicable Me 2 is up there if you're in to that sort of thing. Personally I thought those little minions were more annoying than they are cute or funny.

Weekly Craft Geekery: 3/1/12


Hello once again! Today I've found some super-awesome super hero/villain masks, gory lawn ornaments, a pillow shaped like a famous bounty hunter, a dinosaur that holds a plant, and some rad geeky bow ties! Check them out!

This is a really cool leather mask made to look like Harley Quinn’s.  It’s a bit pricey, but if you want a nice quality mask for cosplay, personal use, crime-fighting/villianry, these look nice.  There is a bunch of other really cool super heroes and villain masks like Huntress, Green Lantern, Batwoman, and more in her store.

More Etsy Picks after the jump!