Monday, March 19, 2012

Bioware Reported to the FTC by Neckbearded Whiners

So apparently the ending to Mass Effect 3 isn't so hot.  I haven't finished it yet, having just recently completed 2 and I'm now currently awaiting its arrival from Gamefly (expect a review!).  Still though it can't be as bad as some Bioware "fans" think it is, who have gone as far as to report Bioware to both the Federal Trade Commission and the Better Business Bureau, just because of the bad taste the game's ending has left in their collective mouths.  Apparently this ridiculous idea was spurred by Bioware forum user El Spiko who claims Bioware/EA lied to him and did not deliver the experience they had promised, making it in his deranged mind, "false advertising". Here's a quote from Mr. Spiko:
This is not somethign I was happy to do, but after the terrible ending that was in no way the product that had been advertised to me and the lack of any kind of response from Bioware/EA to address this, I felt it was one of my only recourses. I’ll be returning my copy of the game before the end of my 30 day return policy if the ending still hasn’t been addressed by then.

Let me translate that for you, what El Spiko is doing is basically this.  It doesn't end there though.

[caption id="attachment_1057" align="aligncenter" width="413" caption="CRY SOME MORE!!"][/caption]

A group calling themselves "Retake Mass Effect" has also formed, raising money for charity in order to "raise awareness" to their dislike of ME3's ending.  They've raised about $53,000 for Child's Play which is great, but I still don't agree with the ending beeing re-written, or the group's name. "Retake"? Retake from who exactly, the people who created it?

It boggles my mind how self-entitled gamers can be these days.  From complaining about Day 1 DLC (I bought your game so I'm entitled to all stuff you made during development right away!) to this whole debacle.  Hey Mass Effect fans, just because you participated in the game's story doesn't mean it's your story.  It's Bioware's story to tell, and if you don't like it, well that's your right-- but telling the writers of Mass Effect that they are telling their story wrong, isn't.  When you see a movie, read a book, or anything else and don't like the ending, do you write to the writer/director/whatever to force them to change it? No!  You have every right to complain as loud as you want, but to ask an artist to change the vision of their work is absurd.  It's like asking Leonardo DaVinci to repaint the Mona Lisa because you don't like the right eye!

Bioware, please, stick to your guns.  Don't change the ending or make a DLC better ending, or whatever.  You don't owe anything to these crybabies, this is your game, your story, and your artistic vision.  Don't damage your integrity (although these people may claim you have none to begin with) by buckling to these mouth breathers, no matter how vocal they may be.

It's your story.

(Although like I said in the opening I haven't seen the ending yet, hopefully it doesn't change my opinion (I doubt it will) but expect me to weigh in for reals when my review drops sometime soon)


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