Sunday, March 25, 2012

Sunday Short Story (3/25/12): Johnny Mnemonic Edition

Put me on the grid, 1 is like totally gross and 10 is "Dang Johnny Mnemonic you look totally siiiick!"

Remember that terrible 1995 Keanu Reeves vehicle  Johnny Mnemonic? Well, before it was a terrible movie it was actually a really good short story by William Gibson.  The plot is fairly similar, but when you read the story you don't have to hear Keanu's terrible acting-- and instead of Johnny having a weak Hollywood "girlfriend" character named Jane, he hangs out with the one and only Molly Millions from Gibson's book Neuromancer.  Molly is about the raddest, I mean, she has razors hidden under her fingernails and mirrored sunglasses surgically attached to her face! If that doesn't get you to read this short story, nothing will.  Anyway, I'm still tired from HorrorHound Weekend (expect a writeup with more pictures soon!) so I'm gonna wrap it up here.

Read it here!

Remember, we're still taking suggestions and submissions here!

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