Friday, March 9, 2012

Hey You Should Play This #3: DoomRL

Everyone has played the original Doom, it's one of the greatest games of all time, a true classic. (And if yo haven't you can even play it in your browser here.)  Heck, whenever someone hacks (or jailbreaks) a device, one of the first things somebody does is put Doom on it, even stuff like calculators!  All those are the same classic FPS Doom though.  DoomRL answers the question, "Why not, instead of playing the same Doom on a different device, we played a different Doom on the same device?"

Yep, this is the Doom you know and love, but swapped into a completely different genre.  Instead of it being a FPS, it's a roguelike.  What's a roguelike? Let me Wikipedia that for you.

The roguelike is a sub-genre of role-playing video games, characterized by level randomization, permanent death, and turn-based movement. Most roguelikes feature ASCII graphics, with newer ones increasingly offering tile-based graphics.

So what we have here is Doom with randomly generated levels, turn-based movement (that still feels oddly action packed), and perma-death-- which adds to both the challenge and the tension.  When you die, you have to start over completely and you loose all your items.  It makes every move count.

Basically, it's fun, it's new (while still feeling oddly familiar to Doom fans), and it's free so you should definitely check it out!  The controls are a little obtuse (which kinda comes with the genre) but the tutorial is sufficient enough to get you going.

Get DoomRL here!

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