Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Epic Mickey Returns and This Time It's Musical

According to a Washington Post article, Warren Spector's Junction Point Studios have been hard a work crafting a sequel to 2010 Wii hit Epic Mickey.  This time though the game will feature several new additions chief among them a functional camera, which was one of the main issues of the original game, which I found quite enjoyable despite it's flaws.  Spector has said the team has been working at fixing the camera since day one, and that:

Our goal is that you will not have to touch the manual camera controls even once to play through the main story path of this game

Sounds good, but apparently there's all sorts of new features worth getting excited about, including 2 player co-op, both new and old locations to visit, voice acting, and strangely for a video game, musical numbers.  The songs are supposed to be frequent, and change depending on whether you've made good or mischievous choices during the game, which should be entertaining, assuming the songs are good (as long as they are better than the ones in Kingdom Hearts 2, we should be OK).  Also fan-favorite 1928 character Oswald will be voiced by Frank Wellker, the voice of Fred Jones from the original Scooby Doo, and several Transformers.  There was no release date given, but I would guess (and this is purely baseless speculation; don't quote me) it will arrive conveniently in time for Christmas, just like the original.

[Source] via bleedingcool

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