Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sunday Short Story (3/11/12)

Hey everybody, it's time for Sunday Short Story! Sorry I missed last week, some big things came up, I was sick, and, uhhh, out of town? No I'm lying, I actually just, well, I completely forgot. My bad! I'm making up for it though by bringing you one of my favorite H.P. Lovecraft story, The Rats in the Walls.  It's a terifying tale of secret family histories, sub-human cattle, and of course, rats in walls.  It even ties into the Cthulhu Mythos, and is probably a decent first step into the world of Lovecraft.

Read it here!

Also, Sunday Short is accepting submissions as well!  If you have a short story (that you wrote or from somewhere on the internet) that you'd like featured on SSS, just pop me an e-mail here (or click the little envelope on the right) with the subject "Sunday Short Story".  Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn, everybody!

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