Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Debut Trailer for Telltale's The Walking Dead Game

A couple of days ago Telltale released the debut trailer for their hotly anticipated game based on Robert Kirkman's The Walking Dead. The graphics look really great, mirroring the look of the comics pretty much exactly.  I'm not sold on this though until we see some actual gameplay footage.  Telltale has said it isn't a shooter (which is good because that wouldn't fit the world of TWD at all), but they also said it's not a traditional adventure game either, and doesn't rely on quick time events like their Jurassic Park game did.  So how does it play, then!?  I'm sure we'll find out soon as they release more videos as the game gets closer and closer to release in April.  Until then, though, it'd be cool if Telltale was a little clearer about what they were up too.  It makes me wonder if they are working with some terrible game mechanics they don't want to show us until it's too late and you've already pre-ordered.

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