Howdy everyone! I'm coming in under the gun with The Pull List this week, and so I don't have time think up a witty opening paragraph. Click the button and LET'S GET TO IT!
Plot: Slade "Deathstroke" Wilson is the greatest assassin that ever lived. The issue opens with D-stroke recovering from being blown up or something, followed by seven solid pages of him getting beat to a pulp by his son, then finally ends with Slade killing a couple of grieving parent (grieving because he killed their daughter, you see), one of which done in by a long knife clean through her head. Fun times
Opinion: Of all the faux-1990's style books DC has been pumping out, this one may be one of the most 90's. Over-the-top action, little plot, ridiculously-overdone costumes, and a plot twist that was telegraphed from the get-go. Having said that, next month Rob Liefeld is taking over both story and art, so this issue may be looked back on as one of the good ones.
Grade: Skim
Plot: The Plutonian (superficially, Superman-turned-bad... but way, way more) is locked in an world-shattering battle with his old arch-nemesis Modeus, who is inhabiting the body of Plutonian's one-time lover Bette Noir (see, Modeus has been in love with Plutonian for a long time, and finally is in a position to act on those feelings, as it were). Also, the remaining heroes are contemplating actions that would either save or damn everyone on Earth.
Opinion: This book is great. This whole series has been great. Anyone who loves comics, or even just great stories for that matter, should do themselves a favor and pick this up. However... this series is going to end in three issues, so at this point you'd be better off waiting for the collected editions.
Grade: Buy
Plot: The Squad breaks into Gotham City PD to capture Harley Quinn, who is looking to steal the recently-removed face of the Joker. King Shark makes a mess in public, a villianess gets her head blown clean off (on panel, no less), Deadshot is knocked out, tied up, has Jokers face placed on him, and finally shoots Harley when she starts the make out with the severed face, apparently killing her. There. I saved you $3.
Opinion: Last week, I told you not to buy this book. This week is no different. This book is pure garbage. And remember how I said that harley Quinn's backstory was reletively unchange post-New 52? Yeah, well, scratch that. I guess she was dumped into the same vat of acid that changed the Joker, which he kept around just in case he wanted a girlfriend. Just terrible.
Grade: Pass
Plot: A Frankenstein monster, a bat-vampire, a werewolf, and a mummy fight a horde of robot-muckmen. At one point, they have guns that shoot buzzsaws and swords that explodes anything that is cut or stabbed. The end of the issue teases the next big-bad, one that made me outwardly and unashamedly giddy.
Opinion: This might be the best book ever. I just hope the sheer amount of awesome will continue after Jeff Lemire leaves the book next month.
Grade: Buy
Plot: Wolverine and his "Killer X-Men" are stuck in the Otherworld, a mythic realm protected by the Captain Britain Corps. One of Wolvie's team, Fantomex, has been on trial for shooting a child in the head (to be fair, the kid would've grown up to be the world-conquering mutant Apocalypse, so I think it might have been justified). At the moment, however, the realm is under siege from a goat-headed demon-guy. At the end of the issue, Fantomex has his face removed (hey, am I sensing a theme this week?).
Opinion: Uncanny X-Force is a consistently good series, and this issue is no exception. I particularly enjoyed the exchange between Deadpool and Wolverine about halfway through the book dealing with a team-building retreat to Hawaii. Again, this is a good sereis. Having said that, this is not an issue you want to pick up cold. Nothing will make sense. Either pick up that last few issue or wait for the next story arc to jump on.
Grade: Skim
Plot: The first half continues the story of the Lich King sucking everyone and everything in the Land of Ooo into his Bag of Holding. It ends with a cliffhanger that he me very interested and excited to pick up next month's issue. The backup is a fun story about Finn and Jake's laundry trouble. The last page is kind of a throwaway story, but the art is very interesting and unique.
Opinion: Oh. My. Glob. Go buy this book. Ryan North (and the other writers, for that matter) has absolutely captured the style and feel of the cartoon. I swear, I can almost hear the voices from the show as I read the issue. Unless you hate pure joy, buy this comic.
Grade: MATHMATICAL! (Also... Buy)
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