Saturday, March 31, 2012

Hey, You Should Play This #6: Sonic 2 HD Alpha

I'm not even a big Sonic fan and I can totally appreciate this HYSPT game! Some very talented individuals have decided to take it upon themselves to create an HD remake of Sonic 2 and boy does it look nice!  Like mind-blowingly nice!  The animation on the title screen is so good it's almost creepy!  Unfortunately all they have released so far is an Alpha version which only has the first two levels, but they play picture perfect!  Play control, Sonic physics, and everything are spot on identical to the original game, it just has an incredible visual upgrade that you really gotta see.  It's better than every crappy port Sega has has dumped out over the past 5 years put together, probably.  They are definitely doing better at making retro Sonic games than Sega, if Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode 1 was any indication.

 Hit the jump for the download, as usual!

The only thing that worries me about this particular project is it feels like only a matter of time before Sega sicks their lawyers on these guys and makes them shut the whole thing down.  Sega's put the kibosh on fan projects before when they sent a cease and desist to the fans behind  a brilliant and ambitious remake entitled (naturally) Streets of Rage Remake-- although if you look around (try Google) you can still find it.  If Sega was really smart, they'd just hire these guys, but we all know they would never do that.  Basically, Sega needs to take Nintendo's stance on fan-games, just let them be.  Hell, there's a whole website dedicated to Mario fan-games and you don't see Nintendo sicking their lawyers on them.

Download it here!

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