Sunday, April 1, 2012

April Fools Day Hijinks 2012! [UPDATE AGAIN!]


Since we here at Pizza Xtreme Team didn't do anything for April Fools, I figured why not point out some of the best pranks and/or jokes (maybe some japes and/or jives as well) other people have unleashed upon the masses on the Day of Fools (do people call it that?).

First up-- and probably the best prank-- is Google Maps for NES! It's a fully functioning NES cart with all the functionality of Google Maps but with Dragon Quest graphics! The voice recognition via the Famicom microphone is a super nerdy nice touch as well.  Think the phone cord into cartridge is outlandish? Then you probably don't remember the XBAND.  The best part about this is that you can actually use Google Maps in 8-bit mode if you go to Google Maps and click the "Quest" button.  If you look around you can find all kinds of familiar Dragon Quest monsters and view extremely low-res Streetview images.  It's pretty cool!

Another great one from YouTube (also Google, I guess) is The YouTube Collection, a service that will send you all of YouTube on DVD.  It's a hilarious concept and makes you really think about the loads of junk that gets uploaded to YouTube on a daily basis.  There's also a bunch of YouTube "celebrities" sprinkled throughout, but I really don't care, and neither should you.  There hasn't been anybody funny on YouTube in years, I think probably that Fred guy killed it for everyone.

Lastly, (even though I'm sure there's about a billion more funny April Fool's Day things I'm missing (tell me in the comments (even though I know you won't)) is the VAIO Q from Sony, a corporation I had previously thought was incapable of the human concept of humor.  Color me wrong though. because there is something inherently very, very funny about people using a tiny computer.

There's your dose of April Foolery for this April 1, 2012.  If I find anything else cool throughout the day, I might just update this post with it.  Maybe next year we'll come up with a great trick to play on you all.

UPDATE #1!!!

Looks like mc chris has released a free song today about My Little Pony, of all things! It's actually super rad. Check it:

Also Harmonix has announced Rock Band the Board Game, and the video is so over the top it almost isn't even funny.


Apparently Adult Swim faked like they were going to play The Room (again) but then brought back Toonami for a night, even with new content!  That's pretty dang cool.  They only play anime mostly on Saturday anyway, why not bring back Toonami full time? They also reviewed Mass Effect 3.

See how Tom reacted to the ending? This is how normal people react to disappointing endings, Bioware fans.

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