Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Weekly Craft Geekery: 4/10/12

Hello! It's time again for another Weekly Craft Geekery! I have a good one for you today! I found some really cute Catwoman artwork, My Little Pony shotglasses, sweet Adventure Time Princess Bubblegum earrings, cool bugs, really neat ear-chomping chain chomp earrings, and a crochet Zoidberg hat!

Look at this cute Catwoman art print! It has a nice slightly goofy pin-up look to it.  I honestly had a hard time choosing which print to choose out of the artist's shop. She has a really cool, cute style. There is an awesome Poison Ivy, Power Girl, Zatanna, Batgirl and Batwoman prints too. I highly recommend looking at them. I will warn you, that her shop is a tiny bit NSFW. A couple of her illustrations have bare breasts. It's not graphic or anything. Just fair warning if your work is strict on that type of stuff, or you want to avoid an awkward moment. Anyways, I love this print. I love to look on her face, and her super curvy style.

Check out the rest of my picks after the jump!

 Why not use a My Little Pony shot glass to get drunk? It will make you look super manly while you hammer them down. Of course I used the Pinkie Pie picture because that girl likes her parties. There are tons of other cool etched stuff in their shop, you should check them out.

Check out these totally mathmatical Princess Bubblegum Earrings! They are so cute. This would be a nice, pretty subtle way to show off your fangirl-ism. She has the Adventure Time fans covered because she also has Marceline, Finn and Jake ones too! Check out her shop here!


Do you like pretty bugs, or want to decorate your house with colorful insects? I found the place for you!  Take a look at the beetles here. they are very pretty and colorful. If I owned them, I would name them John,Paul, George, and Ringo for sure. The shop has a ton of different insects and they all are beautiful, except the spiders. They are super gross.  Obvious warning if you have arachnophobia, or are afraid of creepy crawly things.

Check out these awesome ear-chomping chain chomp earrings! They look like they are chomping on your ears! That is way awesome. The dangling chain are a nice touch, and make them a little cooler than the piranha plant ones I've seen.

Why not a zoidberg hat? Check out her shop here.

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