Tuesday, April 10, 2012

A Look at the New Katniss Barbie

I was pretty skeptical when I heard there was going to be a Katniss Barbie doll. I didn't think it needed to exist, and they were just cashing in on the popularity of the books and movie. I half expected a dark haired barbie with her perma- high heeled feet and toothy smile with bright pink lips.  I was pretty surprised when I saw this doll.

The attention to detail is pretty amazing. It even has little freckles. It pretty much looks like Jennifer Lawrence. They gave her a closed mouth with big pouty Jennifer Lawrence lips, probably because Barbies's normal toothy smile that I mentioned earlier would be way out of place in the the bleak setting of Panem. She is wearing Katniss's outfit from the actual games, and again, the details are pretty great. The clothes look pretty well made. Look at the cute little mockingjay pin. The bow and arrows are pretty cool. I wonder if this is one of the first Barbies given a weapon. Given her long history, I bet it's not the first, but I bet it's rare.

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