Monday, April 30, 2012

Hey, You Should Play This #10: Rambo: Last Blood

Wow, I've done ten of these already? That's cool.  This game is a little different, a little surreal, and a lot fantastic and hilarious.  In John Rambo's (fictional) last outing, Last Blood, he is killed and must make peace with those he has killed-- by giving them massive Rambo hugs, of course-- in order to gain entrance into Valhalla, where there will be lobster and wives for all.  It was created by Peter Javidpour for MolyJam and will probably make your day.  Of course the link is after the jump and all that-- do I really have to keep reminding you at this point, 10 articles in?

[caption id="attachment_1893" align="aligncenter" width="600" caption="John Rambo ascends to the spirit realm"][/caption]

Not only is this game totally off-the-wall, it is also really, really funny.  Gameplay consists of solving puzzles in order to get to the spirits (and hug them), and the puzzles are either really clever or full on 80s movie parodies.  I don't want to spoil them, but the Ghost bit is absolutely hilarious, and the game had me looking up the phone number of a particular organization who I've heard ain't afraid of no ghosts.  The graphics and animation are pretty neat as well, it certainly has style, and is reminiscent of Superbrothers Sword and Sorcery EP.   It only takes about 10-15 minutes to play and the ending doesn't really change regardless if you hug all the spirits or not, but the ride there is entertaining enough to make this game worth your coffee break time at least.  Go give some monster hugs!

Play it here!

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