Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Indie Bundle Alert: The April Fools Bundle

Want another bundle of cheap (and good) indie games? Indie Royale has released the April Fools Bundle, which for whatever the current minimum price is (as of writing, $4.84) you can net yourself all these games:

  1. Defense Grid: The Awakening for: windows, desura, steam (pc)

  2. Hack, Slash, Loot for: windows, mac, linux, desura, steam (pc and mac)

  3. Alien Zombie Megadeath for: windows, desura, steam (pc)

  4. Explodemon for: windows, desura

  5. BONUS: Astro Tripper for: windows, desura, steam (pc)

You can't beat that deal, plus you get to support some indie devs!  Everybody wins-- but hurry up, it only lasts 4 more days!

Indie Royale's April Fools Bundle

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