Tuesday, April 10, 2012

9-Year Old Kid Builds His Own Arcade (Out of Cardboard)

Check out this genius kid named Caine who built (and maintains) his own DIY arcade made entirely of cardboard, tape, cellophane, and apparently calculators.  After having zero customers for the longest time, a dude named Nirvan Mullick stopped by Caine's dad's auto parts store (where Caine's Arcade is located) bought a Fun Pass (which nets you 500 plays for $2) and decided Caine's Arcade was the perfect subject for a short film.  Nirvan then set out to give Caine some business-- and to give Caine the best day of his young life.  It's pretty heartwarming stuff, and reminds me of my own crazy childhood schemes, except in Caine's case thanks to the kindness of a stranger it actually worked out as fantastic as his 9 year old brain imagined it.  Hit the jump for the full film, which is worth the ten minutes it takes for it to remind us that there's still good left in this world.  After that, hit up the Caine's Arcade website and donate some cash to put this kid through college-- just imagine what he could build out of cardboard with an engineering degree!

Caine's Arcade from Nirvan Mullick on Vimeo.

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