Thursday, April 12, 2012

Classic Dark Shadows Comics Rise From Their Coffins

Coinciding with the release of Tim Burton's Dark Shadows movie (which we may have discussed on the podcast), Hermes Press is re-releasing two Dark Shadows comics!  One of them is a collection of the best Dark Shadows stories, selected by Dark Shadows historian (which is something you can be, apparently) Dr. Jeff Thompson.  Titled Dark Shadows: The Best of the Original Series, it promises to be the last word in the best of the 1968-1976 comic series.

The second book, Dark Shadows: Interrupted Voyage, focuses on Barnabas Collins back in the 17th century during the Salem Witch Trials.  It's actually more of an illustrated novella than a comic, but sounds interesting nonetheless.

I'm sort of interested in picking these up, as a fan of the show (thanks, Netflix!).  I had no idea there were even Dark Shadows comics and I'm wondering if these are any good.  The retro art is pretty appealing-- this is definitely something I'll skim in a store at the very least.

Both books will be available in May, with Best of the Original Series priced at $49.99 and Interrupted Voyage at $8.99.  Hit the jump to peep on some covers.

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