I've got some more geeky goodies for you this week. I found an awesome Samus art print, some really cool Star Wars, Super Mario, X-men, and Zelda iron on patches, candy that looks like blue meth, some really neat Adventure Time and Pac Man phone cases, a light switch that uses arcade game buttons, and even a Link baby onesie! You NEED to check these out!
Look at this awesome Metroid art. Samus is looking cute while getting zapped by a metroid. I love the expression on her face and the whole style of the piece. He also has some other prints in his shop.
Check out the rest of my finds after the jump!
These iron-on patches are really cool. I want to put them on all my clothes! Imagine all the things you could make cooler with these! I especially love the Link one. She has other ones in her shop that you should check out!
You know you want to own some of Heisenberg's signature blue crystal meth. Well, drugs are bad and illegal, so have some rock candy instead. It won't get you high- well, maybe a sugar high-- so you'll just have to take what you can get. It's cotton candy flavored and shouldn't get you arrested or killed.
These phone cases are really cool. I would use any of these. I especially like the Beemo one, though. There are even more in the store including Lumpy Space Princess, Ice King, and more Pac Man ones! The only thing is, this is the only angle you can see on these, and I would like to see exactly how it fits on and what it looks like from the front. I'm afraid I'd buy one and not like it.
Oh man! I usually don't care or even think about light switches, but this is awesome. This is a light switch that uses arcade buttons to turn the light on and off! I would burn out so many bulbs just pressing the buttons over and over. This would look awesome in a game or arcade room! In fact, it would look great in any video game themed room.
Oh my god! look at this onesie! You could turn your little future little nerd baby into a little baby Link! Sure, most of the baby's adventures will be about crapping it's pants and crying, but they will look so cute while doing it. Look at the little heart meter on the butt! It almost makes having a baby seem worth it to me. Almost. There is a ton of other stuff in the shop, like Batman and Robin, Donkey Kong, Pac Man, Green Latern, and even a Star Trek red shirt. Plus more! Seriously check them out.
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