Well, it's that time of year again, and once again, it seems the holidays have brought PXT to a screeching halt. Anydangways, from all of us here at the Pizza Xtreme Underground Moon Base, to all of you out there in the Internets, Have a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Crazy Kwanza, Jolly Candlenights, Festive... Festivus, and Happy Holidays!
Monday, December 24, 2012
Happy Holidays from PXT!
Well, it's that time of year again, and once again, it seems the holidays have brought PXT to a screeching halt. Anydangways, from all of us here at the Pizza Xtreme Underground Moon Base, to all of you out there in the Internets, Have a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Crazy Kwanza, Jolly Candlenights, Festive... Festivus, and Happy Holidays!
Friday, December 21, 2012
Friday Clip-Show: Fifty Shades of Takei [Video]
Saturday, December 15, 2012
The McRib (Food) [Review]
Some things you can always count on. Tide comes in, tide goes out. Grass is green, the sky is blue, and McDonalds will always bring back the McRib. What is the appeal of this sandwich from the world's most famous burger joint? Is it the slathering of sauce, the fact that the pork patty is shaped like a little rack of ribs, or the sheer mystery of it's limited availability?
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Star Trek Into Darkness Teaser Trailer Drops [Video]
Stardate -310069.5... Today we saw the first glimpse of JJ Abrams' next installment in the Star Trek franchise, aptly titled Star Trek Into Darkness. The teaser boast loads of action, tons of explosions, and a man with quite possibly the most British name ever. Take the jump to check it out!
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Happy First Anniversary, Pizza Xtreme Team! [Original]
WOW! Can you believe it? It was exactly one year TODAY that Pizza Xtreme Team (PXT) rolled on to the internet, and we're still going strong! What do the founders of the site have to say about this massive achievement? Take the jump to find out!
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
#1reasonwhy Explodes on Twitter and Shows Sexism is STILL a Major Problem in the Games Industry
In case you haven't seen, the twitter hashtag #1reasonwhy is being used by females working in video games to bring the sexism that comes with a male dominated industry to light. Even if the thought of this makes you roll your eyes and you think that this topic doesn't matter, I really wish you will take a second and scroll through these tweets. If you are not willing to even try to put yourself in another's shoes, you are part of the problem. You can read them here. From what I gather, this started after someone on twitter asked the simple question: why are there so few female game developers? The ladies then assembled their answers under the hashtag #1reasonwhy. These stories from women that work in the video game industry are infuriating and sad at the same time. Everyone deserves to have a career they love and they shouldn't have to worry about being bullied and treated differently because of their gender. It's sad that it is almost 2013 and women still get treated this way have to do something like this to bring attention to it.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
...Aaaand, We're Back.
Thanks to some hosting hiccups, (thanks a lot, iPage) we were down there for a bit-- but now we're back! Please continue your regularly scheduled browsing and podcast listening.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Happy Thanksgiving from PXT!
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Tales From the Front Line(s) - Wii U
I'm in line now for the Wii U! Check out my live tweets (and watch as I slowly lose my mind) over the next 8 hours on my twitter, @PXT_Cody
Friday, November 16, 2012
Pizzacast! 15 - A Neck Waddle of Bitterness
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
There's a New Grand Theft Auto V Trailer and it Looks Totally Awesome
Yep, Rockstar has released the second trailer for its next Grand Theft Auto game, and did I mention it looks really good? The graphics alone are crazy top notch! In it we see a little bit of each of the game's 3 protagonists and all kinds of other crazy crap, like the aforementioned train collision, and a man hanging from a boat sail over a busy highway. Watch it, it's awesome!
Friday, November 9, 2012
Angry Birds Star Wars (iOS) [Review]
Yeah, I know. Angry Birds Stars Wars. It sounds like something Satan concocted in the bowels of Hell itself. The classic Star Wars you know and love mashed up with those freaking birds you see plastered on (almost literally) every product in your local Wal-Mart. Hell, one time PXT member extraordinaire Samantha saw a kid with the red bird buzzed into the back his hair. That's neither here nor there though. What happens when LucasArts gets their Star Wars in Rovio's Angry Birds and when Rovio gets their Angry Birds in LucasArts' Star Wars?
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Check Out The First Episode Of Penn Ward's 'Bravest Warriors' [Video]
Hey Adventure Time fans! The first episode of Penn Ward's new webseries Bravest Warriors dropped earlier today, and needless to say, it's pretty great. And since we're all about sharing awesome new stuff with anyone who will listen, you can check out the first episode, entitled 'Time Slime,' right here after the jump!
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Like Variant Covers? 'Justice League of America' #1 Has 52 Of 'Em (Plus Two New Series) [News]
In an effort to expertly define the term 'overkill,' DC Comics has announced that there will be not one, not 2, but 52 (yes... 52) variant covers for their upcoming ongoing series Justice League of America #1, and has also announce the creation of two new series, one of which that is totally blowing my mind.
Hey Bronies, The My Little Pony iOS Game Comes Out Tomorrow!
Ever want to build your own Ponyville? Well thanks to the fine folks at Gameloft (hmmm, I feel like maybe I just talked about them not too long ago...) you're going to get the chance to tomorrow. That's right, you only have to survive one more cold, dark , pony game-less day until you can construct Rarity's Boutique wherever you want in your very own Ponyville. Hell, it'll be better than playing Angry Birds Star Wars, which also, unfortunately, also comes out tomorrow. Expect reviews of both! For now though, feast your eyes on some Twilightlicious (hey, Tara Strong coined that one, not me) screenshots after the jump.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Doom 3: BFG Edition (PS3) [Review]
When I heard they were remaking Doom 3, my first thought was, "Already!?" but then I realized the game had actually come out 8 years ago. Maybe a re-release isn't such a crazy idea after all. Doom 3 has always been a solid game that successfully married a survival horror aesthetic to classic Doom run and gun gameplay-- albeit with some polarizing design choices. Players have argued about the game's flashlight (you couldn't use it and a gun at that same time, resulting in a lot of shooting into the darkness) and the game's reliance on "monster closets" to dole out cheap scares. Does Doom 3: BFG Edition fix these issues, and 8 years later does it still stand up with all of the advances that have been made in FPS design? Hit the jump and I'll let you know.
Friday, November 2, 2012
Pizzacast! 14 - Shooting Into The Darkness
We're keeping the podcast train a' movin'! In this spooky edition of Pizzacast!, our rag-tag geek culture-hunting adventurers discuss Doom 3, Gravity Falls (again), the Walking Dead, Sonic the Hedgehog (and his lack of pants), plus reviews of the Venture Bros. Halloween Special and the Munsters' reboot Mockingbird Lane. All this, and a heaping helping of The Monster Mash! Enjoy, kiddies!
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Disney Buys Lucasfilm, Announces Multiple 'Star Wars' Sequels [News]
HOLY CRAP! News has just broken that The Walt Disney Company (the people who bring you classic cartoons and Marvel Comics) has agreed to acquire Lucasfilm, LTD. for a whopping $4.065 billion (yes, BILLION). Their first order of business? Not much, just announcing multiple Star Wars sequels, with the first to hit theaters by 2015.
Friday, October 26, 2012
Pizzacast! 13 - Quantity Over Quality
Hey folks, we're back for another Pizzacast! This week, we're missing a third of the hosts (Which one? Guess you'll have to find out!) and about half the energy, but we do dive into topics such as Iron Man 3 and Amazing Spider-Man 2 news, a Fionna and Cake miniseries from KaBoom!, the Joe Shuster/Superman copyright issue, and more!
Friday Clip-Show: The OSU Marching Band Takes On Video Games [Video]
As a denizen of the great state of Ohio, I have known for years that the Ohio State University Marching Band has the moniker of being "The Best Damn Band in the Land." While I've never disputed this claim, the special halftime show they put on during the Oct. 6th game versus Nebraska absolutely blew me away. If you're a fan of video game themes, both new and classic, a fan of marching bands, or anywhere in between, you gotta check this out!
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Armor Up for the Iron Man 3 Trailer!
The Iron Man 3 trailer is here and it looks really good. The Avengers apparently left Tony a little messed up and this movie seems to have a darker tone than the others. I don't even know what else to say because you need to watch it for yourself!! Watch the awesomeness after the jump!
Friday, October 19, 2012
Pizzacast! 12 - SHAZAM!'s Stupid Boots
Two Pizzacast!s in one week?!? MADDNESS! This week, on a slightly more up-to-date episode, our hostful hosts discuss topics such as Studio 35's Bad Movie Night (again), Wizard World Columbus Comic Con, Nerd Night, a bevy of new items, and then debut quite possibly the best third break segment ever concocted, simply titled Ask PXT.
Friday Clip-Show: Gravity Falls by Adam Warrock [Music]
Lately, there have been two bits of geek culture that I haven't been able to get enough of, namely newer cartoon series that are, in theory, for kids but appeal to an older crowd (Adventure Time, Regular Show, etc), and nerdcore rap, oddly enough. So when I heard the new Gravity Falls-inspired track by Adam Warrock , I had to share it.
Cowabunga! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles LEGO Sets Are Coming Soon (Ish)! [News]
In much cooler news, check this stuff out! Lego is jumping on the TMNT train and bringing the world Turtles Lego sets! This is truly something eight year old me would of went nuts over, combining two things I loved in one package. Peep on some images of building toy meets Ninja Turtle in the gallery after the jump!
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Agent Coulson LIVES! (And Set to Star in 'S.H.E.I.L.D.' TV Series) [News]
That's right! Everyone's favorite secret agent/Captain America fanboy, Agent Coulson, will be coming back to star in ABC's S.H.I.E.L.D. television series. Why is this such a big deal, you ask? Take the jump to find out! (WARNING: Spoilers for a year-old movie EVERYONE should have seen by now abound.)
AAUGH! Charlie Brown, Peanuts Gang Headed to Big Screen [News]
Hey, remember how much you loved the Peanuts gang, and all the great stuff they came along with it? Like Merry Christmas, Charlie Brown and all the other great specials and the continuous repeats of the original Charles Schulz strip still running in your local paper, itself its own timeless self contained world where Schulz' genius remains untouched to this day? Well it's likely the guy that brought the world Ice Age: Continental Drift is about to shit all over it.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Pizzacast! 11 - You Know What You're In For... Here It Comes
HEY LOOK! IT'S A NEW PIZZACAST! This week (while simultaneously also a month ago), the 'Generals of Geek' take a few minutes to discuss topics such as the new Wii U, some Marvel NOW! titles, the horrible possibility of Space Jam II, the Robocop reboot costume, and more!
The music for this week is by the artist known as Kreayshawn. I'm sorry.
Monday, October 8, 2012
It Was Only A Matter of Time: PETA Takes on Pokémon
Yup, they did it. PETA, the real life Team Plasma, has finally went and parodied Pokémon, everyone's favorite monster cockfighting simulator. While it makes more sense then their Super Tanooki whatever game did, it's kind of a leap to protest the abuse of fictional animals. But it's PETA, so I guess expecting it to make sense is kind of a stretch.
Friday, October 5, 2012
The Crossover No One Wanted: Angry Birds and Star Wars?
Rovio (the Angry Birds) people launched a new Angry Birds tumblr today, on which this image surfaced. I think only one quote can really sum this up:
I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened.
Terrible indeed. I'd been playing Rovio's Bad Piggies (for a review, coming soon) and enjoying it quite a bit, thinking "Maybe Rovio ain't so bad". Guess I was wrong. Still though, not the worst video game-related thing to happen to Star Wars in recent memory...
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Spooky Games of Scary Terror: the white chamber
Hey PXTers! Everybody knows October is by far the scariest month of the year (what with Halloween and all), so I figured why not spotlight a bunch of scary games all throughout the month? Games have an incredible capacity to fighten, startle, and all around jibbly-ify their players, even more so than movies when done correctly, so really the best way to scare the poop out of yourself this Halloween season than playing a bunch of Spooky Games of Scary Terror? I'm going to try to focus on some lesser known games too, because nobody needs to read about Silent Hill for the thousandth time. I'm going to assume you've already played (or know about) Silent Hill... or Resident Evil, or whatever mainstream horror games are out there. Rule #2 is no Slender Man. Seriously, I'm sick of that guy. Well let's get to the meat of this thing, shall we?
Namco Wants YOU to Decide Pac-Man's New Look
Namco Bandai is gearing up for a new game starring one of the most iconic characters this side of the Mushroom Kingdom, and they're asking the fans (via Facebook) for for help in determining Pac-Man's redesign. Take a look at the four proposed designs after the jump!
Sunday, September 30, 2012
In Defense of Gameloft [Opinion]
Gameloft is a game company that mostly makes mobile games (not counting the odd port to a handheld, like say Dungeon Hunters for PSVita)-- and actually really solid ones. Unfortunatly they seem to be the recipiants of a lot of ire from the gaming comunity for what they do-- which is basically make knock-offs of known franchises for iOS and Android. Is this really so bad though?
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Happy Birthday Sam!
That's right, it's PXT co-founder and masterful web master Sam's birthday today! Everybody wish him a happy b-day! I got him some fresh Gangnam Style...and another Gangnam related vid after the jump.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Hey, You Should Play This: Adventure Minute
I know, long time no Hey, You Should Play This. Honestly they're haven't been a lot of free indie game that have jump out at me lately, and also I've not had a whole lot of time to play them. I guess that's the perfect segway into Adventure Minute the Adventure Time game played in one minute chunks!
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Neat, The Bob's Burgers Pilot!
Check out the pilot episode for Fox's super excellent and great TV show, Bob's Burgers! You can tell they made quite a few changes before the show went to air. The style is quite different (note the muted colors and minimalist animation) and probably the most glaring change is the fact that Tina was originally male! That's right, at one time Bob and Linda had a teenage son named Daniel. Not surprising though, is the fact that his voice is still the same.
Anyways, check out the whole 12-ish minutes after the jump!
Monday, September 17, 2012
Final Fantasy Project Part 2 of 14: A Field of Wild Roses (FFII)
Hey it's taken me a little more than a month, but I've finally managed to battle my way through Final Fantasy II, which adds another countdown notch on the prison wall that is this project-- no I'm kidding, I'm not completely burnt out on Final Fantasy yet... although to be honest FFII did not help matters. It was a rough ride, let me tell you. (Seriously, click the little "Read More" button and let me tell you. It's the whole point of this article.)
Photos of New RoboCop Suit Surface [Photos]
Dare I Say Rovio's Angry Birds Spin Off "Bad Piggies" Actually Looks...Fun?
It's pretty common knowledge I'm not a very big fan of the Angry Birds. I mean, I thought Space was pretty alright mostly because they actually spent the time trying to innovate on their existing formula (rather than just toss a new theme on it like they did Seasons and Rio). Bad Piggies looks like it is actively trying to turn the whole Angry Birds formula on its head, by making a game about building instead of destroying. In the just released today gameplay footage (which you can see below, by the way), it shows you'll be building adorably ramshackle little vehicles for the pigs to drive (and fly) in to traverse very Angry Birds-looking (so basically Worms-looking) terrain. It --at least to me anyways-- looks leaps and bounds more fun than flinging birds at wood over and over again. Then again, I've always been more of a building guy than a destroying guy. Must be all those impressionable years with Lego bricks in hand.
[via yahoogames]
Friday, September 14, 2012
The Walking Dead Season 3 Trailer!
AMC dropped a short but very sweet trailer of the upcoming 3rd season of The Walking Dead today! There's a lot of action going on, which makes me wonder (and hope) if they are going to up the amount of action scenes. You can see a bit of the prison, and some Michonne, and a whole lot of undead ass kicking! Can't wait for Oct. 14!
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Here's NintendoTVii!
If you were wondering what Wii U's NintendoTvii feature looked like, wonder no further! Watch as your gamepad magically becomes a remote! Marvel as the Wii U brings Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Instant Watch all to one place! Giggle at its stupid name! (wouldn't Nintendo TeeVii look at least a little better?)
Wondering How the Wii U Gamepad Actually Works in ZombiU? Watch This.
Check out this video and see the truly unique ways in which Wii U launch title ZombiU uses the gamepad screen. If you don't think this is at least kinda cool, you're probably being an overly cynical butt and you should stop that. It's why you don't have any friends. Anyways, check it out.
Another New Super Mario Bros. Wii U Trailer!
After the big 'ol bucket of disappointment that New Super Mario Bros. 2 was, I want to be skeptical about this one, but you know what? It looks pretty good. The graphics show some major improvement, there's an actual map screen this time (which is something I complained about in my NSMB2 review a lot) and Challenge mode seems like a fantastic idea. I'm just not going to let my hopes get too high though. Cross on over for the trailer and the gameplay vid from the Wii U Preview event.
Put Your Gun-Shoes Back On: Bayonetta 2 Is Coming!
That's right! Everyone's favorite gun-heel toting, hair magic usin' Umbra witch is back! Much to the impotent rage of console fanboys (and boneheaded Kotaku commenters) this Bayonetta is a Wii U exclusive! There's no hard facts on it yet...besides the fact that it exsists, but still...Bayonetta 2! Hit the jump for the trailer, which doesn't have any gameplay, or anything much really, except for some gunshots, a blade, and Bayonetta's signature footwear (which is now blue!).
The Wii U Price and Release Date Are Set!
Yup, it's $299 for the Basic Set and $349 for the Deluxe Set, both of which are comin' atcha on November 18th. Not bad! Hit the jump to see what each set nets you.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Nintendo's Whipping Out All Their Wii U Info Tomorrow
Tomorrow's the big day, everyone, when all of the big questions surrounding Nintendo's new Wii U console will be answered! At 10am ET the Regginator will take stage to deliver us a Nintendo Direct covering stuff like release date and price. There's a fun video announcing the presentation after the jump, showing Reggie conferring with two other Nintendo bigwigs who also happen to be plumbers. I, of course, will be covering the event live right here at the PXT, so don't forget to hang out here with me at 10am tomorrow for all kinds of commentary on the event. I wonder if the rumors are true....
Whoa, a New Wreck-It Ralph Trailer!
...and it has a certain speedy blue hedgehog in it! After seeing the first trailer probably half a million god darn times (because they play it repeatedly on the TVs at my job) it's pretty refreshing to see some new footage for this great looking Disney flick. Hit the jump to see it, and get some sad news regarding whether or not the movie will feature any mustachioed plumbers.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Pizzacast! 10 - Secret Plans
The Pull List #7 - Pull List Goes Hawaiian [Review]
Did you know there was at one time a proposed sequel to Tim Burton's Beetlejuice titled, I kid you not, Beetlejuice Goes Hawaiian? I don't know about you, but I'm not sure if Beetlejuice would've benefited from a tropical setting.
(What does this have to do with the 3-month gap between installments of The Pull List? Nothing at all.)
Monday, September 10, 2012
Sifl and Olly Are Back! (And Reviewing Games!)
The best sock puppet show of the 90s... okay, probably ever is back! This time the intrepid duo will be review video games as part of their weird variety/interview/whatever it was show. The catch, though, is the games are hilariously fake. In the first episode, Sifl and Olly cover 2 titles for the Zeus 720's Kinetic add-on, Slap Dat Ass: Beat Jams and a home health diagnosis app. Check it out-- and the new series' promo vid-- after the jump!
[via machinima]