Friday, October 19, 2012

Cowabunga! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles LEGO Sets Are Coming Soon (Ish)! [News]

In much cooler news, check this stuff out!  Lego is jumping on the TMNT train and bringing the world Turtles Lego sets!  This is truly something eight year old me would of went nuts over, combining two things I loved in one package.  Peep on some images of building toy meets Ninja Turtle in the gallery after the jump!

The TMNT Lego sets are set to appear on store shelves sometime in 2013!  They're based on the upcoming Nickelodeon CGI Turtles cartoon, but I won't hold that against it, especially with that super cool looking dog monster-man (named Dogpound, apparently) they've got going on there.  Also, Kraang.  You can't beat Kraang.

[gallery link="file"]

[via comicsalliance]

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