Thursday, October 18, 2012

AAUGH! Charlie Brown, Peanuts Gang Headed to Big Screen [News]

Hey, remember how much you loved the Peanuts gang, and all the great stuff they came along with it? Like Merry Christmas, Charlie Brown and all the other great specials and the continuous repeats of the original Charles Schulz strip still running in your local paper, itself its own timeless self contained world where Schulz' genius remains untouched to this day?  Well it's likely the guy that brought the world Ice Age: Continental Drift is about to shit all over it.

Alright, that's a little extreme, but I honestly don't believe this could be any good, the decentness of the Boom! Studios Peanuts comic book notwithstanding.  For one the guy behind it, Steve Martino, is responsible for both Horton Hears a Who and Ice Age: Continental Drift, which is not exactly a fantastic pedigree.  With a Dreamworks veteran behind it, expect an inane dance sequence to a modern pop hit (Let's say LMFAO's I'm Sexy and I Know It) or maybe a remix of the Peanuts theme by somebody like or something.  Also, CGI?  Part of the Peanuts charm comes from their doodle-y look, something the original animated specials nailed perfectly.  I can't even imagine how it would even work in will they make good 'ol Charlie Brown not look literally bald?  It's going to end up looking as visually uninteresting as that Garfield show on TV.  Honestly, a live action version would probably work better.

Anyways, the film's script is being penned by Schulz's son Craig and grandson Bryan, so at least they're keeping it in the family, I suppose.  That still doesn't inspire a whole lot of faith in me though.  Can't they just leave the Peanuts alone?

[via rottentomatoes]

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