Friday, September 21, 2012

Hey, You Should Play This: Adventure Minute

I know, long time no Hey, You Should Play This.  Honestly they're haven't been a lot of free indie game that have jump out at me lately, and also I've not had a whole lot of time to play them.  I guess that's the perfect segway into Adventure Minute the Adventure Time game played in one minute chunks!

That's right, when you fire up Adventure Minute, you have exactly sixty seconds to accomplish anything.  Luckily though, anything you accomplish stays when the game inevitably restarts.  Let's say you manage to conquer Finn's fear of the ocean (which you totally can do), then run out of time.  Don't fret! You can still traverse water after the restart.  It's an interesting experiment in time management.  It also has some fun and cool pixel graphics as well.  It's cool to meet and help out all of the denizens of the Land of Ooo as well, as you'll be doing things like running into frozen businessmen to helping Marcilene find her mighty axe.  The only miss (and it's kind of a big one) are the (supposedly comical) fake ads that appear between minutes.  They fail to get a chuckle out of me more than they succeed, and do not fit the theme of the game at all-- shouldn't they at least be Adventure Time related? Unless this is some kind of commentary on the mass commercialism that occurs during broadcasts of children's tv shows...but even the the jokes could stand to be a little sharper.

Still, it's a fun Zelda-like AT game that's worth a least a couple of your minutes.  It's all part of a super rad Adventure Time themed game jam that occurred a few days ago that I plan to examine much more thoroughly in a future article. Anyways...

Give Adventure Minute a try here!


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