Thursday, September 6, 2012

Phoenix Wright Returns for Ace Attorney 5! Check Out These Screenshots!

You may or may not have heard, but a 5th installment of the Ace Attorney series for the 3DS is in the works. Awesome, right? It has already been confirmed that it is being released here in America! Can it get any better? Yes it can! These screenshots show everyone's favorite pointy-haired attorney back in the courtroom.  Also, no more flat 2d images! It is animated in all glorious three dimensions! I bet his objection pointing finger will be extra objection-y in 3d.

From the look of these screenshots, it's gonna look pretty great. Some of  these screenshots raise more questions than give answers though. Click the jump to read more and check out the screenshots!

The screen shots also show his new lady sidekick, a young redhead. Her name and any information about her have not been released, Capcom's official Ace Attorney 5 website only referring to her as a "mystery girl." I really like her design. The screenshots are completely lacking in Maya Fey, his companion in the other games.  Fans should find this strange because she's been there since the beginning and has a relationship with phoenix that has developed over the games. I can't help but wonder what's going on and if she'll show up.

There is also a bomb and a exploded courtroom. Is that phoenix's courtroom? Is the judge and his beard alright? When can I play this? Where is my Ace Attorney Investigations 2, Capcom? These are just some of the questions going through my head as a look at these. Hopefully, we'll be able to answer some of these questions and see the new "mystery girl" and Phoenix in crime-solving action soon, as Capcom has said that they will have a playable demo available at the upcoming Tokyo Game Show.  We will keep you updated as details are announced!



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