Monday, September 17, 2012

Dare I Say Rovio's Angry Birds Spin Off "Bad Piggies" Actually Looks...Fun?

It's pretty common knowledge I'm not a very big fan of the Angry Birds.  I mean, I thought Space was pretty alright mostly because they actually spent the time trying to innovate on their existing formula (rather than just toss a new theme on it like they did Seasons and Rio).  Bad Piggies looks like it is actively trying to turn the whole Angry Birds formula on its head, by making a game about building instead of destroying.  In the just released today gameplay footage (which you can see below, by the way), it shows you'll be building adorably ramshackle little vehicles for the pigs to drive (and fly) in to traverse very Angry Birds-looking (so basically Worms-looking) terrain.  It --at least to me anyways-- looks leaps and bounds more fun than flinging birds at wood over and over again.  Then again, I've always been more of a building guy than a destroying guy.  Must be all those impressionable years with Lego bricks in hand.

[via yahoogames]

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