Saturday, September 8, 2012

Weekly Craft Geekery: 9/8/12

Hey there! I have some great stuff for you today!  I found an bag that looks like a giant Gameboy, and a couple of things for your cosplay for con season, including My Little Pony wings and a Lousie's pink bunny hat from Bob's Burgers. There is also adorable crocheted tiny Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Pokémon undies, and some awesome stuff inspired by Parks and Recreation and Arrested Development. This stuff is super cool!


Check out this hat! Bob's Burgers is one of my favorite shows and Louise is one of my favorite characters ever. She is a little girl who is slightly evil, wears a pink bunny hat, and is voiced by Kristen Schaal. This hat is awesome! It looks really well made and would make your cosplay perfect. Seriously, if you have not seen Bob's Burgers yet, you have to. Especially if you were a fan of Home Movies. You can get this hat and other awesome stuff at the Etsy store, Epic Costumes

Check out the rest of the awesome stuff after the jump!

Oh my god! look how cute these tiny Crocheted Ninja Turtles are! They make me want to die! Look at there tiny masks! Can you imagine the adorable tiny pizzas they eat!?  The only way these could be any more adorable is if they had their tiny little weapons.  You can find these and other really super adorable things in the Etsy shop, Geeky cute Crochet

Look at all this awesome stuff! I couldn't just choose one thing from this store.  I especially love the Lucille Bluth mug. The Leslie Knope painting is pretty amazing too! There is a ton of keychains from Parks and Recreation, Arrested Development, The Walking Dead, and Community. You can find all of this awesome stuff and more in the Etsy shop, Peachy Apricot.

Hey everypony! Check out these awesome pony wings. They look like someone ripped them right off Rainbow Dash!  These would be great for your pony cosplay.  You can find these and other awesome stuff in the etsy shop, woodspriteanon

Look at these awesome mini Sailor Moon wands! MOON PRISM POWERRRR!!! Sorry, they just look so authentic! You can practice fighting the Negaverse with them or just use them for cosplay or maybe decorations. These aren't clay with thumbprints, they are 3d printed!You can find these and other really awesome stuff in the shop, Silverbeam

Check out this awesome Gameboy bag! I love this so much. It looks so well made too! It's too bad you can't really play gameboy games on it, that would be rad. Can you imagine taking this bag to class? Everyone will be like "woah, awesome"! This and many other really awesome bags and such can be found in the Etsy shop, ivanapepolina

Oh my god, these undies are great! You better hope your partner is good with the Pokéflute.  I love Snorlax and anything with them on it. You can find these and other great stuff in the Etsy store, KylieBKirkland


Are you are looking for a iPhone dock with some retro geek flair? Then this NES controller dock is for you! This is really awesome. Part of me hates seeing NES stuff destroyed, but this is pretty cool! You can this and some other neat stuff in the Etsy shop, upcycledgeekgear.

Thanks for looking at this stuff! you can contact me here, or at twitter with @pizzaxtremeteam, Let me know what you think or if you have something you think needs featured. I'd love to hear from you!

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