Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Like Variant Covers? 'Justice League of America' #1 Has 52 Of 'Em (Plus Two New Series) [News]

In an effort to expertly define the term 'overkill,' DC Comics has announced that there will be not one, not 2, but 52 (yes... 52) variant covers for their upcoming ongoing series Justice League of America #1, and has also announce the creation of two new series, one of which that is totally blowing my mind.

The comic, which is due out February 2013, will feature a variant cover featuring the flag for each US state, plus one for Washington DC and Puerto Rico. Reports also indicate that the variants are NOT state-specific, meaning (depending on the size of your LCS) you may see multiple states' books in one store.

Along with this, two new series have been announced which will have ties to JL of A - 'Katana,' written by Ann Nocenti with art by Alex Sanchez, and 'Vibe,' with the creative team of Andrew Kreisberg and Pete Woods.

That's right, I said Vibe is getting his own series.

Who is Vibe, you ask? From Wikipedia:


Vibe is a fictional character, a comic book superhero published by DC Comics. He first appeared in Justice League of America Annual #2 (October 1984), and was created by Gerry Conway and Chuck Patton.

Paco Ramone's career as Vibe began shortly after Aquaman disbanded the original Justice League. When young Paco heard that a new Justice League was forming in his own hometown of Detroit, he decided to give up his position as the leader of a local street gang, Los Lobos, to join up. What made Ramone a candidate was his metahuman ability to emit powerful vibratory shock waves.

Vibe's presence on the team caused Aquaman and the Martian Manhunter to harbor some strong doubts about the new JLA, particularly after he got the League involved in a rumble with a rival gang. However, Vibe soon proved his mettle during the League's battles against Cadre, Anton Allegro, and Amazo. He stayed with the League through the Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover, when his powers played a vital role in defeating Despero.

What Wikipedia fails to mention is that Vibe is also a huge fan of break dancing

And I for one can't wait to read a comic about that.

Via ComicsAlliance

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