Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Why Do Something Productive When You Could Be Playing Adventure Ponies?


Remember this great ad from awhile ago? Well the fine folks at The Hub have made the fictional Adventure Ponies a reality.  I was seriously going to write you guys a review of Theatrhythm Final Fantasy today, but then this happened, and I played all the way to Rarity, and now I gotta go to work.  Sorry!  Anyways, hit the jump for the link, and maybe I'll get you that review tomorrow.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Friday Clip-Show: Darth Dynamite [Video]

I'm coming in a little late with this one, but "Darth Dynamite" is too good NOT to share with you all. Check out the video after the jump, and prepare to have your MIND BLOWN.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Hey, You Should Play This #12: I Wanna Be The Guy: Gaiden

Hey, did you forget about this segment... or the fact that other people write for this site (sorry Sam!)? Well, I'm back with what is no doubt one of the most intensely difficult, frustrating, but ultimately very rewarding sequel to I Wanna Be The Guy, titled I Wanna Be The Guy: Gaiden. Much the like original IWBTG, it pulls no punches, plays dirty, and is for some unknown reason, super fun.

DC Comics Panel #8 - Young Justice [SDCC 2012]

This final DC Comics panel of San Diego Comic Con just wrapped up, so here are the highlights.

DC Comics Panel #7 - The New Wave [SDCC 2012]

Wondering what's going on with the four new books coming from DC Comics in September? Then check out the highlights from the DC Comics panel titled "The New Wave!"

'Adventure Time: Hey Ice King! Why'd You Steal Our Garbage?!' Game Teaser Trailer [SDCC 2012]

Mathematical! Check out the teaser trailer for the upcoming Nintendo 3DS game Adventure Time: Hey Ice King! Why'd You Steal Our Garbage?!, coming this fall from WayForward and D3Publisher!

Marvel Phase 2: Ant-Man, Guardians of the Galaxy Joins Various Sequels [SDCC 2012]

The big news from San Diego Comic-Con yesterday was the lineup of films for Marvel's second wave of movies leading up to Avengers 2, dubbed 'Phase 2.'  As you can see from the banner, there are a few new titles, as well as three sequels. Take the jump to find out a little more about them!

Buh-WHAT?! A Trailer for a Deadpool Game?! [SDCC 2012]

The trailer for an upcoming Deadpool game was released durning Comic-Con yesterday, and it is nothing but pure awesomeness. Be warned, though... it's a bit NSFW.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Lots and Lots AND LOTS of LEGO Superhero Minifigs! [SDCC 2012]

Check out these super-rad upcoming LEGO Superhero minifigs for upcoming sets, as well as a couple of exclusive SDCC-only figs!

Fox is Ready for a Fantastic Four Movie Reboot, Director and Writer Sign On

With the success of Amazing Spider-Man, the Avengers franchise, and Ghost Rider II: The Spirit of Vengeance (OK, maybe not that last one), it was only a matter of time until Hollywood took another look at "Marvel's First Family."

Reports surfaced earlier this week that Josh Trank (Chronicle) has been hired to direct the upcoming Fantastic Four movie reboot, but now it looks like Fox has found a writer as well. Jeremy Slater, who has two films in pre-production but no fiished film credits, is being looked at to pen the film.

DC Comics Panel #6 - The New 52 [SDCC 2012]

Looks like I missed one yesterday, but to be fair, there isn't a lot of news that wasn't already reported elsewhere. Anyway, here's the brief recap of DC Comics' sixth panel, titled "The New 52."

Friday, July 13, 2012

Marvel Comics Panel #4 - Cup O' Joe [SDCC 2012]

Despite no longer being Editor-in-Chief of Marvel, Joe Quesada still headlined his one "Cup O' Joe" panel this year at SDCC. Let's take a look at what he discussed!

DC Comics Panel #5 - Justice League and Green Lantern [SDCC 2012]

Guys, I don't know how much more of this I can take today. Totally running out of steam. Here... here are the highlights from the Justice League and Green Lantern DC Comics panel.

Marvel Comics Panel #3 - Ultimate Comics [SDCC 2012]

Buckle up... it's time for another Marvel Comics panel highlight roundup! This time around, we'll be taking a look at Marvel's Ultimates line of books.

DC Comics Panel #4 - Superman [SDCC 2012]

It's a bird! It's a plane! It's... DC Comic's fourth panel, this time covering all things Superman!

Marvel Comics Panel #2 - Next Big Thing [SDCC 2012] [UPDATE!]

News of Marvel Comic's second panel has surfaced, so we've collected some of the highlights, just for YOU!

[UPDATE: Looks like some more news has surfaced, so check out the jump for any changes!]

DC Comics Panel #3 - DC NOW! [SDCC 2012]

DC Comic's third panel of SDCC wrapped last night, and it is a veritable grab-bag of information on most of DC's most popular titles.

More Sandman Coming From Neil Gaiman [SDCC 2012]

If there are two things that I learned from working in a comic shop, it's that 1) there's always going to be ONE guy who is way too particular about how he wants his comics handled (no creases or blemishes, never opened, only touched on the sides with fingertips, placed into a current-sized comic bag with board "shiny side down" with opening at the bottom, NEVER taped shut, immediately placed inside a small brown paper bag, and placed delicately under the counter away from all other books and all sunlight) and 2) just about everyone has read and loves Neil Gaiman's Sandman.

Well good news, Sandman-fans... Gaiman is back at it.

Watch The First Trailer for Oz: The Great and Powerful Starring James Franco [SDCC 2012]

Disney has released the first official trailer for the upcoming Wizard of OZ prequel, titled OZ: The Great and Powerful, starring James Franco, Mila Kunis, Rachel Weisz, Michelle Williams, and Zach Braff and directed by Sam Raimi (Spider-Man, Evil Dead Trilogy). Check it out after the jump!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

DC Comics Panel #2 - Batman [SDCC 2012]

The DC train just keeps rolling with their second panel of San Diego Comic Con. The topic of discussion? Batman and his many, many related books, of course!

Marvel Comics Panel #1 - The House of Ideas [SDCC 2012]

Want to learn more about Marvel Comic's "Augmented Reality" (AR) app for smartphones and tablet PCs? Then check out the highlights from Marvel's first panel of San Diego Comic Con...

DC Comics Panel #1 - The Dark & The Edge [SDCC 2012]

The first major DC Comics panel just wrapped up, and for the 99% NOT there in San Diego at the moment, here's a recap of what's going on with DC's 'The Dark' and 'The Edge' subsection of comics...

My Little Pony Comic Coming From IDW Publishing [SDCC 2012]

Well, it was only a matter of time before someone turned MLP:FiM into a comic series. IDW Publishing, the same company that brings you Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, G.I. Joe, Transformers, Dungeons & Dragons, and many, many other Hasbro properties, is set to launch an ongoing comic written by Katie Cook (Gronk), with art by Andy Price. We here at the PXT are very exited about ths announcement, and I personally am amped for the inevitable "Applejack/Shipwreck/Raphiel-vs-Megatron" team-up.

Via ComicsAlliance



Check Out Some Gamplay Clips For Upcoming 'Injustice: Gods Among Us' [SDCC 2012]

If you like comic books and video games (and if you're reading this, I'd take a guess that you do), you're in luck: NetherRealm Studios has released multiple videos highlighting their upcoming game Injustice: Gods Among Us.

Director Drops Daredevil Reboot, Rights May Go Back to Marvel

Reports have been circulating today that director David Slade has dropped the upcoming Daredevil comic movie reboot, due to scheduling issues with filming the pilot episode of NBC's Hannibal. This means that Fox needs to find a director and get the film into production before fall, or risk having the popular property revert back to Marvel (and therefore Disney).

With the not-so-great track record Fox has had with the Daredevil franchise, I wouldn't be surprised if they let this one go back to Marvel. The big question (at least the biggest one on my mind anyways) is how this will effect Marvel's tentative film plans leading up to Avengers 2, and whether or not Daredevil will be included in the major crossovers.

Via Film Junk

Monday, July 9, 2012

Super Golden Friends! [Video]

You know, this would of made a super great Friday Clip-Show, but I couldn't wait.  This needed to be posted now.  Ever wonder what the Golden Girls theme sequence would be like if somebody rotoscoped Batman, Superman, and Aquaman over Dorthy, Blanche, and Rose, respectively?  And also made them old?  Well, wonder no further.  Feast your eyes on Kevin Bapp's Super Golden Friends after the jump.

Friday, July 6, 2012

The Walking Dead Begins, A Walking Dead FPS No One Asked For

[caption id="attachment_3056" align="aligncenter" width="483"] "No, my leather jacket wasn't Photoshopped on, why do you ask?"[/caption]

So Activision (you know, the people that publish Call of Duty and ran both the Tony Hawk and Guitar Hero franchises into the ground) is making a game based on AMC's The Walking Dead TV show... and it's a First Person Shooter.  Now not only does the idea of a Walking Dead FPS sound terrible and pretty much against everything the show is about, there's already a really great TWD game from Telltale!

Now, I'm not saying a TWD FPS couldn't be good, I mean it's possible, it just would take a lot of work and the intricate mechanics that could only come from really good development team (like for example, Irrational Games, maybe).  Unfortunately, Activison has developers Terminal Reality on this, who have games like Def Jam: Rapstar and BloodRayne under their belt... not the kind of stuff that requires the depth and subtlety of The Walking Dead universe.  Telltale Games are masters of crafting true-to-the-source style adventure games out of other people's properties, I mean, look at Tales of Monkey Island, Back to the Future, and heck, even though it wasn't completely solid as a game, Jurassic Park: The Game still felt like Jurassic Park.  When a perfectly good TWD game exsists already, why farm the franchise out to the people who made Monster Truck Madness?

Basically, I don't have very high hopes for this game (and I love The Walking Dead).  The fact that Activision is publishing it and the team behind Kinect Star Wars is making it makes it sound like a pretty obvious cash grab.  When you're announcement video (which you can watch here) includes a leather jacket poorly Photoshopped onto the back of Norman Reedus, which then on top of that has crappy angel wings Photoshopped on it (also poorly) and no gameplay footage you're not going to inspire a lot of confidence in anyone.

Pizzacast! 08 - Superman's Punch Car

After various recording issues, Pizzacast! is BACK! This week, the crew talk about the passing of acting great Andy Griffith, Marvel Comics' next big movies, the total radness that is Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, and the OnLive video game service, plus a heaping helping of stuff we've watched lately and ANOTHER round of Master Debaters! Join us, won't you?

Friday Clip-Show: Meat America - Epic Meal Time [Video]

As most of you know, America celebrated its independence this past Wednesday, and I can't think of a better way to commemorate the holiday than by watching a bunch of Canadian guys eat a s**t-ton of meat. Enjoy!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Marvel Vs. Capcom: Origins Smashes Two '90s Fighters Together in One Downloadable Package

Remember '90s arcade fighters (you know, when arcades were still a thing) Marvel Super Heroes and the original Marvel Vs. Capcom? Well regardless if you do or not, Capcom is bringing both of them back from the dead and selling them to you together via XBLA and PSN.  Wondering if there's anything new in the package? Well the press release has a little list of things.

"GGPO-enhanced online play with 8-player lobbies and spectator mode, HD graphical upgrades, dynamic challenges and replay saving."

So it sounds like they're adding online multiplayer, throwing some HD filters over the original graphics in an attempt to make them look "better" and adding some meta-game-y achievement style stuff (you can see them on the sides in the screenshots).  Anyway if this appeals to you and you love giving money to Capcom for their constant ports, hit the jump for a video and screens!  OK, I'm being overly snarky, MSH and MVC are both good games, but this to me seems like Capcom cashing in on the popularity of the Avengers and Spiderman movies but without, you know, actually making a new game.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy Fourth of July!

[caption id="attachment_3028" align="aligncenter" width="600"] AMERICAAAA!!!!!!!![/caption]

Hey everybody, happy screaming freedom eagle super American Independence  4th of July celebration day! Go celebrate our nation's birth by exploding illegal Chinese fireworks (watch your fingers!) and eating grilled meats outdoors!  Oh, and we got you a present! It's a video (as usual)! Cross the jump!