Sunday, July 15, 2012

Marvel Phase 2: Ant-Man, Guardians of the Galaxy Joins Various Sequels [SDCC 2012]

The big news from San Diego Comic-Con yesterday was the lineup of films for Marvel's second wave of movies leading up to Avengers 2, dubbed 'Phase 2.'  As you can see from the banner, there are a few new titles, as well as three sequels. Take the jump to find out a little more about them!

Thor: The Dark World looks as if it will involve the world of Svartalfheim, home of the Dark Elves. The Enchantress and Skurge the Executioner are rumored to be the villains.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier will most certainly be about the return of Cap's WWII buddy 'Bucky' Barnes as a mindwiped Russian assassin called... wait for it... the Winter Soldier. This may sound a little hokey now, but trust me, this was an excellent arc in the comics and I believe transfer well to the big screen.

We've already talked a little bit about Guardians of the Galaxy on the last podcast, but at SDCC the official roster has been locked down. The team will consist of Starlord, Gamora, Drax the Destroyer, Groot the Space Ent, and yes, Rocket Raccoon. Marvel has even provided a mock-up of designs for the characters:

I don't know, looks pretty great to me.

Ant-Man, written by Edgar Wright (Shaun of the Dead, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World), has been in development for a long, long time. Early reports suggest that the movie will split time between the 1960s and present day, so there could concievebly be two separate Ant-Mans (Ant-Men?) in one film.

And finally, Iron Man 3. The villain was officially announced to be The Mandarin, played by Ben Kingsly, which surprised no one. But that's not important at the moment. No, the real news is the unveiling of the IM3 armor:

That's it for now folks, keep watching this space for any updates throughout the final day of SDCC 2012!

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