Sunday, July 15, 2012

DC Comics Panel #7 - The New Wave [SDCC 2012]

Wondering what's going on with the four new books coming from DC Comics in September? Then check out the highlights from the DC Comics panel titled "The New Wave!"


  • - Talon will be the story of an escaped circus performer who fights against the evil Court of Owls, a group of villains found withing the Batman family of books

  • - The series will "delve into a little more of Gotham's history...and not just Gotham, the dark, secret history of the world. We want to build this character so he can last for years, not just a few storylines," according to co-writer James Tynion IV.

Phantom Stranger

  • - Phantom Stranger will tie into the Justice League Free Comic Book Day one-shot and Justice League, as well as be a part of the upcoming "Trinity War" arc.

  • - Within the first two issues, readers will see the Stranger make a deal with former Teen Titans baddie Trigon and cross paths with Pandora, the hooded purple woman from the first issues of every "New 52" reboot comics.

Sword of Sorcery

  • - Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld will definitely be an action packed, high fantasy story.

  • - Beowulf will be set in a post-apocalyptic future, and might be compared to Conan the Barbarian (or Thundarr the Barbarian, not that I think about it.)

Team 7

  • - Team 7 will flesh out the backstories for Deathstroke and Grifter.

The Rest

  • - Superboy-Prime will not be making a return post-"New 52." DC nerds everywhere breathed a sigh of relief.

  • - Captaim Atom might mike a future appearance in the pages of Justice League.

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