Friday, July 13, 2012

DC Comics Panel #3 - DC NOW! [SDCC 2012]

DC Comic's third panel of SDCC wrapped last night, and it is a veritable grab-bag of information on most of DC's most popular titles.

  • - The first year of Justice League has been about who the League is, and the second year will focus on who the League "will be."

  • - Shazam (ugh) will join the team sometime next year.

  • - Issue #13 will feature longtime Wonder Woman villain the Cheetah, then will go into the next major arc, titled "Trinity War."

  • - A new Green Lantern will debut in the #0 issue of that title, and apparently he will carry a gun... y'know, just in case.

  • - Before Watchmen: Silk Spectre will cover the pro-hippie culture.

  • - Some bits about Batman and the Animal Man-Swamp Thing-Frankenstein crossover were discussed, but most of that has already been covered here and here.

  • - Savage Hawkman's story will be given "a sense of urgency," and will involve Thanagar and Hawkman's alien roots.

  • - The #0 issue of Superman will cover the "New 52" version of Superman's father Jor-El and the destruction of Krypton.

  • - Raven and Supergirl may be appearing withing the pages of Teen Titans, along with new writer Scott Lobdell.

  • - Issue #13 of The Flash will see an all-out attack on Central City by Gorilla Grodd and his ape army, forcing Flash to team up with Captain Cold and the Rogues.

  • - Sorry fanboys, but Wally West will not be appearing in the "New 52" anytime soon.

Via Various

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