Thursday, May 31, 2012

DC Heroes Will Duke It Out In Netherrealm Studios' Injustice

Yeah, you heard me right, Netherrealm Studios (the guys behind that last Mortal Kombat game that was surprisingly really good) is making a fighting game with all the big names from DC Comics.  So far it seems like a pretty rad cast of characters-- Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Harley Quinn, hell even Solomon Grundy is in there.  I'll bet that's not all we see, either.  I'm sure they will reveal more as time goes by (I mean, no Green Lantern? Really?).  It's a shame though that they chose the grimdark and gritty approach to the character design though; I guess my dream of a Smash Bros. style Superfriends themed game will never come true.  Hit the jump for the trailer, courtsey of ol' Gamespot.  Unfortunately, it's not going to see release until 2013, but it will be on all three consoles, the PS3, Xbox 360, and Wii U.

Indie Bundle Alert: Humble Indie Bundle V

It's that time again, indie bundle time, that is!  The good folks at Humble Indie Bundle are back with a fifth offering, and boy is it a good one!  As always, it's a pay-what-you-want affair, with your selected price netting you Amnesia, Psychonauts (yes, the Tim Schafer classic), Limbo, and Superbrothers: Sword and Sworcery EP!  All super great indie games (although Psychonauts isn't really an inde game per say, but still a great one!) that are all worth playing.  But that's not all!  Beating the average price (which at the time of this writing is $7.30) will also get you Bastion, which is a fantastic game as well (and well worth $7 all on its own!).  It really is an awesome bundle, and if you haven't picked up a Humble Bundle before, this is not one to miss-- plus a portion of your payment (or all of it, it's up to you) goes toward both the EFF and Child's Play!  It's a win-win for everybody, get great games and donate to charity!  I'd totally buy it, if I didn't already have all these games. :(

What are you waiting for? Go get it!

Weekly Craft Geekery 5/31/12: Baby Edition


Hey There! Welcome to a very special super-sized baby edition of Weekly Craft Geekery! We are celebrating my brand new niece and her escape from my sister! Welcome to the world, Lainny!  I've found some of the most awesome and cutest geeky baby stuff on Etsy including a Wonder Woman onesie, geeky wooden teethers, star wars onesies, DC Super heroines blanket, Mario bib and booties, and more!


Awesome wonder woman onesie with skirt! Your baby will be fighting crime in no time with this awesome onesie.  No Lasso of Truth though, because I'm pretty sure that would be a safety hazard or something. There is also a Superman and Supergirl versions in the store, Sweetstylesstore.

Check out the rest of my picks after the jump! You seriously need to. They are that cool.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Introducing the PXT Go! Mobile App!

That's right! We have an app now!

If you're on the go, but want to stay connected to your favorite geek/pop culture news and reviews blog, then look no further than the PXT Go! Mobile App. With this app you'll be able to quickly and easily access ALL of the content generated by our crack staff of writers, as well as access EACH and EVERY episode of the popular site companion podcast, Pizzacast!


You will also have access to frequent bonus content, not found anywhere else on the web (Go ahead and look, we DARE you!)! And the best part is, the PXT Go! Mobile App is FREE!

You read correctly! It's FREE!

Downloading the app is a breeze! If you own an Android phone, just head on over to the Android Marketplace (or Google Play Store, or whatever they're calling it this week) and search "PXT GO." A few short clicks and you're on you're way to sweet, sweet PXT goodness!

For iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch users... it's a tiny bit more difficult. For reasons too aggravating to get into, we can't officially list our app in the iTunes Store.


There IS a way to download the PXT Go! Mobile App! Simply SCAN the QR code found here and follow the easy instructions. Alternatively, you can enter the following web address into the web browser on your smartphone:

It's just that simple!

Download the PXT Go! Mobile App TODAY!

Let us know what you think of the app by e-mailing us at

Gamersgate VOID Service: A Review

Ever get tired of actually paying for video games?  Wish you could play'em for free (no, not like that, you dirty pirate) in exchange for just watching a couple commercials (kinda like whenever you try to watch almost any video on the internet anymore)?  Well, the folks at Gamersgate have just that in their new VOID service!  It sounded pretty sweet, and I'm not one to pass up free video games, so I took some time to check it out.

And The Villains For Iron Man 3 Are Madarin and... Iron Patriot?

According to Latino Review (which is surprisingly apt at breaking geek movie news), the villains Robert Downey Jr.'s Tony Stark will be facing off against in Iron Man 3 will be the Mandarin, played by Ben Kingsley, and Iron Patriot (think Captain America in Iron Man armor), played by James Badge Dale. Guy Pearce is also set to star as Aldrich Killian, a scientist who creates the "Extremis" (liquid) armor and builds an army of super-powered soldiers.

Dale was originally announced as playing Eric Savin, an man who undergoes cybernetic enhancements to become the Robocop-like android Coldblood-7, but seeing as how even a comic nerd like me had trouble getting excited over a film version of Coldblood, this Iron Patriot change might make for a better film.

Now for the part you all care about... yes, there are super-grainy photos of Iron Patriot, thanks to the media site The Superficial. Take a look after the jump!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Hey Check Out The 90s Mega Man Theme in 8-Bits of Glory!

First, in case you forgot what the theme to the 90s cartoon "classic" video game come cartoon was like, you can brush up by watching this. Super Fighting Robot! Mega Man!

Now get ready and cross the jump to see it remade in 8-bit by YouTube user ColoniaContraAtaca!

[via Capcom Unity]

Monday, May 28, 2012

New PXT Game! Real Super Plumber Story!

Hey, I made another game! This one isn't as PXT themed as Robot Ghost Throwdown Showdown, but still fun nonetheless!  In a riff on Mario, you're a real video game plumber who has to fix leaks in pipes instead of rescue princesses.  Click here to play!

Mario Tennis Open (3DS) [Review]

Mario's been in a lot of sports games, from baseball to soccer, even basketball (with Final Fantasy characters!).  Out of all the sports though, the one he seems to come back to the most is tennis (with golf in a close second).  From Mario's Tennis on the poor old Virtual Boy to New Play Control! Mario Power Tennis on the Wii there's been a lot of friggin' tennis titles featuring the Italian plumber.  Why not add one more to the pile with Mario Tennis Open for 3DS?

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Got About an Hour and a Half to Spare? Watch the Best Thing Ever!

Ever wish there was a version of Star Wars where all the characters had the voices of your favorite cartoon characters?  How about one where Luke was William Shatner, Greedo was Tony Soprano, and Han Solo was Twilight Sparkle?  All those wishes (and so much more!) come true in this panel from Emerald City Comic-Con.  It's worth watching alone for John Dimaggio's Paul Lind impression.  I honestly thought there was no way I would make it through the whole thing, but once I started I couldn't not finish it!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Pizzacast! 04 - Death's Bone Vagina

This podcast has been three weeks in the making! Cody, Sam, and Samantha make their triumphant return to podcasting with some light discussion on G.I. Joe: the Rise of Cobra, the Silverhawks animated series, Wolfenstein 3D, and the passing of Adam Yauch, aka MCA of the Beastie Boys, before diving into Free Comic Book Day talk, a lengthy and fairly scattered review of the Avengers, the return of Toonami on Cartoon Network, and the delay of the game Bioshock Infinite. And we also dip back into the PXT Mailbag! Enjoy, folks!

Friday, May 25, 2012

WAITAMINUTE! There Might Be an ALF Movie?! [Rumor]

Hide your cats, everybody: ALF might be returning... in film form, no less.

Friday Clip-Show: Epic Tea Time w/ Alan Rickman [Video]

Never have I been more terrified of a man making tea. Originally created as a short film project by David Michalek, this is essentially a 16 second clip of Alan Rickman making tea stretched out over 8 minutes and it is, in a word... epic.

And trust me, this video really picks up around the 3:55 mark.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Want All The Playable Character in LEGO Batman 2? Be Prepeared to Pay Twice...

That's right, according to the BrickHeroes website, LEGO Batman 2 will feature DLC pre-order packs featuring blocky versions of DC characters such as Bizzaro, Black Mants, Zatanna, Nightwing, and Damien (Robin IV) Wayne. However, it seems the DLC packs will be split up between different game stores, meaning if you want to play with the ultimate 'Shazam'/Black Adam team-up, you're gonna have to pre-order the game twice from different stores. Bummer.

Check out the official promo pics after the jump, as well as a promo for an exclusive 'Battlesuit' Lex Luthor minifig!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Diablo III Has 99 Problems and a Hacker Is One

The launch of Blizzard's hotly anticipated skeleton clicking simulator Diablo III hasn't been so smooth, as a matter of fact, one could say it has been absolute hell (see what I did there? Diablo? Hell?).  From people not being able to play the game at all due to sever overload, server issues, and server maintenance, things haven't been going swimmingly, and many paying customers have barely been able to play their game-- even in single player thanks to Blizzard's bone-headed decision to require players to be constantly connected to the internet.  Thought those were the only problems? Not anymore, now there's a new one.

Hackers have hit the world of Diablo 3.  They are looting players' accounts of both gold and items, leaving your poor Witch Doctor or Barbarian stripped and penniless.  Also, since the game has that pesky "always online" thing going on, not even your single player loot is safe.  There's only speculation on how the hackers have managed to bust into, but the folksat Blizzard say they're working on it.  Diablo III's life so far has been a rough one, but hopefully it manages to work through all its online related issues (and hopefully Blizzard goes back on its stupid "always online" DRM policy so single player gamers don't have to deal with multiplayer game problems).


Sunday, May 20, 2012

Sunday Short Story: Monkey Paw Editon!

The Monkey's Paw is one of those stories that is used time and time again as a basis for tv show plots all the time-- even The Simpsons (seen above, obviously) have gone down the monkey paw path (in one of the best takes on the story).  "Be careful what you wish for" basically emerged from this story and has influenced everything to almost every episode of The Twilight Zone to the endings of Twisted Metal.  All that influence though, and I'll bet few of you have read the actual story.  Why not spend some time this glorious Sunday and change that?  Hit the jump for a link to The Monkey's Paw by W. W. Jacobs.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Dan Harmon Fired From Commuity By Some Stupid Douchebags At Sony

Yeah, you heard right-- Sony, who owns Community-- has fired Dan Harmon, the show's creator.  Why they would do this is anyone's guess and, according to his Tumblr, was surprising news to Harmon himself.  This comes as an additional spit in the face to the news that Community will likely only continue to exist for one more half of a season before getting the axe.

That's right, the show only has a half a season left and now it won't even get to end properly because they fired the guy that created.  So now whatever happens to the Greendale Seven in those final episodes doesn't matter, because they'll be written some other doucher instead of the guy who created the show's entire universe in the first place.  Would it of been that hard for Sony to keep Harmon around for just half-a-freaking-season so he could end the show the right way?  It really just seems pointless to even watch the final episodes.  It just doesn't seem right.

Community is one the the most consistently funny, smart, and innovative sitcoms on television today, and this is how it gets treated by the suits?  Can you say out of touch?  Well, enjoy what NBC decided we should get a new full season of, Whitney, which is probably the worst show ever.  This is why you guys are fourth in the ratings.  Screw you.



Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Guess What's Back? Toonami's Back!

No doubt due to fan outcry after Adult Swim's April Fool's prank last month, they are actually bringing their Toonami anime block back!  I honestly don't know why they didn't do this ages ago, it's something people wanted, it can't be all that expensive to produce, and they already play a bunch of anime (of questionable quality,but that's another story) on Saturdays anyway. Isn't it great when a network listens to its fans though? NBC should take notes.  Anyways, Toonami's relaunch is happening May 27 and will air from midnight to 6am. Here's a blurb from a Cartoon Network press release if you don't believe me:

Beginning Saturday, May 26, Adult Swim brings back Toonami, the network's popular block of anime programming. Airing weekly from midnight to 6 a.m. (ET/PT), in addition to the return of previous series featured in Toonami, Adult Swim is also developing new original anime programming for fans.

To be completely honest though, the real Toonami (to me, anyways) was hosted by Moltar.  Sorry TOM.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Tomb Raider Reboot Delayed!

Hope you weren't counting on playing Crystal Dynamics' new Tomb Raider reboot in 2012!  Hot on the heels of Bioshock Infinite's delay announcement, this game too is staying in the oven until first quarter 2013, instead of its Fall 2012 release date.  Once again, this is why they shouldn't announce games way before they are anywhere close to release-- they announced this reboot back in 2010, and it had already been in development for two years at that point!  I know you game publishers are excited to fire up the media hype train for your expensive new video game, but you might want to hold off lest you want to piss off (or wear out) your fanbase with delay announcements.  Seems like 2013 will be a good year for games, though!

Monday, May 14, 2012

The Pull List #6 - The Undiscovered Pull List [Review]

Did you know that, according to Wikipedia, The Adventures of Elmo in Grouchland is considered the sixth installment in The Muppets film franchise? Something about that seems wrong to me.

What does that have to do with this week's Pull List? Absolutely nothing.

Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock Has a Release Date (and is coming to the US!)

If you didn't already know, there is a Doctor Who game in the works by Supermassive Games (who haven't released anything else of note besides some PS3 shovelware and Little Big Planet 2 Level Packs).  It's a platformer, which to me seems like an odd choice for a Doctor Who game (A point and click adventure makes more sense to me) although he does do an awful lot of running.  From the looks of the trailer (which I've posted below) the good Doctor will be facing nearly his entire rouges gallery, from Daleks to Silurians to my personal favorite the Cybermen.  On top of that, you also get to play as River Song!  It's coming to the PSN store globally (for both PS3 and Vita) on May 23 and is getting a retail release in the UK later.  Looks like it'll be worth checking out!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Sunday Short Story (5/13/12): Doctor Sleep Edition!

Wow, long time no post, eh? Things have been a little busy for us PXT writers the past couple days so sorry about the lack of content.  Anyways, today's Sunday Short Story is a little different, because it's a video, but I couldn't resist posting it.  It's been common knowledge for a while that Stephen King has been working on a sequel to The Shining called Doctor Sleep where the kid from The Shining-- Danny Torrance-- has grown up and uses his Shining powers to help hospice patients into the afterlife.  Sounds cool, right?  Well I've managed to dig up a video of King himself reading the intro.  Check it out!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Hey, Want to Play The Original Wolfenstein 3D? Right Now? For Free?

You can! Just point your browser here!  To celebrate the game's 20th anniversary, Bethesda and Id Software have offered up an in-browser, playable full version of the first person shooter that started it all!  On top of that, the iOS version is free as well, so you can play it on the toilet (or wherever it is that you play iOS games)!  The iOS version has an automap that the original did not as well, which lowers the game's difficulty by about 75%.  Those 4 or 5 different wall textures start to look the same after awhile!  Go shoot some Nazis and give RoboHitler hell!

Arrested Development Made of Lego!

This is awesome! Matt De Lanoy has put together the entire model home, main cast, and stair car of Arrested Development out of Lego.  You can even vote for the stair car to be reviewed for licensing at Lego Cuusoo here, but I doubt it will get made because Arrested Development is not completely kid-friendly. But, It can't hurt to vote, so do it anyway! I would buy it in a second. It would be so fun to reenact your favorite scenes and make your Lego Harry Potter hop on, because you are gonna get hop ons.

Check out the rest of the awesome pictures below of all the cast and their accessories!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Favorite Tumblr Right Now

My new favorite tumblr right now is Ignore Hitler. A Scottish artist named Michael decided to spice up the popular Pictionary-style game Draw Something by adding a rule: he has to incorporate Hitler into every drawing. The tumblr is a collection of his drawings.  The results are usually hilarious and sometimes disturbing.  Check out some of my favorites after the jump!

Minecraft Xbox 360 Edition (360) [Review]

Everybody knows Minecraft by now, it's become a legend in and of itself in the world of video games.  Created by Markus "Notch" Persson, it's the original indie success story.  A simple sandbox creation game that goes on to sell half a bazillion copies and damn near revolutionize the whole game industry.  Before now, the Minecraft experience was limited to the PC (and to a lesser extent, phones) or those terrible knockoff mining games that continuously sit firmly on top of the Xbox Indie Games top seller list.  Now though, 4J Studios have ported Mojang's classic over to Xbox 360-- but is anything lost in translation?

Bioshock Infinite Delayed Forever

...Okay, maybe not forever, just until February 26, 2013, but it might as well be forever, amirite? There's a letter from the game's designer Ken Levine explaining the four month delay (which I've posted below the cut) that makes it sound like a good idea and all, but certainly doesn't make waiting for this game even longer suck any less.  Normally I'd have no problem with a delay announcement, as I go by the old Shigeru Miyamoto quote, "A delayed game is eventually good, a bad game is bad forever.", bur the thing is that Bioshock Infinite was announced way back in 2010.  That's right, we've been waiting for this game for 2 years already.  I'm not saying that long dev cycles are bad either (except in the case of Duke Nukem Forever), I'm just saying maybe don't announce your game with images and gameplay footage two years before it's even close to coming out.  I'm sure it was a marketing thing (if we announce a new Bioshock our stocks will go up!) and the devs had no choice in the matter, I'm just saying maybe it's not a good idea, and a good way to make people burnt out on hearing about your game before it even comes out.  We don't need two years of constantly running hype machine-- just a "we're working on a new Bioshock" message and no footage until close to release would of sufficed, and would of made this announcement seem a lot less absurd.  Regardless, good luck with the game, guys at Irrational-- I know it will be great!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Hey, You Should Play This #11: Chaos

Sometimes you just want to play a really solid platformer, you know, test your skills you've been honing since Super Mario Bros.-- well, Chaos by Davve is one of those games that is just right for scratching that particular itch.

Adventure Time Game for 3DS Offically Announced!

Although its been known for awhile that Adventure Time series creator Pendleton Ward has been working with awesome game developer Wayforward on a for-real Adventure Time game, there hasn't really been any official announcements of any kind or a game title or anything.  Well, now we have both.  The game has the (long and awkward, but appropriate) title Adventure Time: Hey Ice King! Why'd you steal our garbage!?  The Ice King has apparently stolen Finn and Jake's garbage in order to build a "garbage princess" that of course our two intrepid young heroes will have to rescue.  As for screens or any details other than the above box art, well, you're out of luck.  This is all the game's publisher D3 Publisher (publishers of such classic games like Ben 10: Galactic Racing and iCarly: Groovy Foodie) has released at this time.  A screenshot or just like, a paragraph describing the game's gameplay would be nice! If I were designing this game, I think I'd go for something very Zelda-like, but who knows what way Pen Ward and Wayforward will take it.  With a franchise like Adventure Time there's really no end to the video game opportunities.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Pizzacast! 03 - Awful, But I Like It

Now with 20% MORE PLANNING! This week, Samantha, Sam, and Cody delve into a myriad of topics, such as: Dark Shadows Classic, awful 90s cartoons, Kevin Smith's "Comic Book Men," the DC Comics Robot Chicken Special, the Sonic the Hedgehog Fanfilm, and various Kickstarter campaigns. We wrap things up with the first installment of our new Mailbag segment! All this, plus golf practice and Sailor Moon in this week's Pizzacast!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Packrat Free Comic Book Day '12 Photo Roundup!

For this year's Free Comic Book Day celebration, your three favorite writers  (as well as Honorary PXT Member Kelli) made the trek down to Packrat Comics in Hilliard, OH. While there we hobnobbed with a few famous folks, checked out some excellent independent comics, played a little poker (for truly terrible comics, naturally) and took A TON of pictures. Take the jump and check them out (all 238 of 'em)!

South Park RPG Now Subtitled "The Stick of Truth" (Plus New Screens!)

Yup, the new South Park game from Obsidian Entertainment (Fallout: New Vegas, Star Wars: KOTOR II) now has a proper title other than South Park: The Game (which didn't make any sense because there's been South Park games since the 90s).  The details as to why it's called "The Stick of Truth" still remain a mystery, no details on the titular stick were given.  There's some new screenshots though which look exactly like the show-- I mean totally identical.  When this game comes out, people won't be able to tell if you're watching the show or playing this game!  It's a pretty cool effect and something no other cartoon to video game has ever matched the source material so perfectly.  It's slated to release sometime later in 2012.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Friday Clip-Show: Watch Out, Phoenix Jones! [Video]

With the emergance of Real-Life Suphereroes like Phoenix Jones and Rain City Superhero Movement, I knew it was only a matter of time before someone would arrive to oppose them. Meet Rex Velvet, and apparently his superpower is excellent video production skills.

The Elder Scrolls is Getting an MMO! [UPDATE!] (Now With Screens!)

....and unfortunatly it sounds completely generic and boring.  According to the latest Game Informer (you know, that crappy magazine that GameStop bothers you about all the time) it plays from a third person perspective (you know, like none of the other Elder Scrolls games) and has World of Warcraft style hotbar commands and traditional (i.e. boring) MMO style combat (like the kind you can already get in literally every MMO ever made besides Tera)  They've also confirmed no player housing or marriage (Elder Scrolls staples at this point), so it literally sounds like World of Warcraft with an Elder Scrolls coat of paint.  In a series that would be an awesome MMO just by dropping other players into the already existing game, this seems like both a waste AND a disappointment.  Perhaps things could turn around by the time of the game's release-- but I'll be surprised if we get anything other than a bland WoW knockoff that floats by on the fact that it belongs to the Elder Scrolls franchise alone.  There's a gameplay-less video after the jump, if you haven't already been turned away by Zenimax Online Studios' (the game's developer) lack of originality and ambition,

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Happy Star Wars Day...

Yes, today is Star Wars Day! So mix up a tall glass of Bantha Milk and enjoy the trippiest Star Wars-themed holiday special ever made!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Pull List # 5 - Pull List Strikes Back [Review]

Hey everyone! Welcome back to The Pull List! Would you believe I started this article THREE WEEKS AGO?

Judging by my track record with this article series, I'd imagine that yes, yes you would believe it. But whatever, I have some good stuff for you this week, including a few new editions to DC's New 52 experiment (New-New 52? Sounds like a line from Dr. Seuss). So let's read some comics!

Persona 4 Golden Coming Stateside!

More exciting news for Persona fans!  A remake of the (absolutely fantastic) Playstation 2 JRPG hit Persona 4 is coming to Playstation Vita this fall!  More than just a port, P4 Golden has a plethora of new content-- and since it's on Vita you can play it on the go!  I've got 8 new screens as well, so click "read more" to, well, read more!

A Princess Peach Musical!

Does a single song count as a musical? Well, the folks at Random Encounters think so.  Semantics or not, it's still an impressive feat and a catchy tune.  Angi Viper (who plays Princess Peach in the vid) has some serious pipes (get it? 'Cause like it's Mario and there's pipes?)!  It also asks an interesting question: Is Bowser doing the Mushroom Kingdom a favor by kidnapping Peach?  Peep your eyes and ears on it below.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Persona 4 Area Tutorial Video #1 and Some New Screens!

You know that Persona fighting game, Persona 4 Arena, that's been murmured about all around the 'net?  The good folks at Atlus gave us some sweet stuff to share with you about it!  First thing is a way cool tutorial video going through the game's unique fighting system (and showing it in action) and the second batch of goodies is some rad screenshots!  The game is supposed to make its way stateside this summer!   You're probably wondering "What will I have to do in order to feast my eyes on this Persona-related cornucopia of wonders?" to which I answer, "Just cross the jump!"