Thursday, May 31, 2012

DC Heroes Will Duke It Out In Netherrealm Studios' Injustice

Yeah, you heard me right, Netherrealm Studios (the guys behind that last Mortal Kombat game that was surprisingly really good) is making a fighting game with all the big names from DC Comics.  So far it seems like a pretty rad cast of characters-- Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Harley Quinn, hell even Solomon Grundy is in there.  I'll bet that's not all we see, either.  I'm sure they will reveal more as time goes by (I mean, no Green Lantern? Really?).  It's a shame though that they chose the grimdark and gritty approach to the character design though; I guess my dream of a Smash Bros. style Superfriends themed game will never come true.  Hit the jump for the trailer, courtsey of ol' Gamespot.  Unfortunately, it's not going to see release until 2013, but it will be on all three consoles, the PS3, Xbox 360, and Wii U.

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