Thursday, May 31, 2012

Indie Bundle Alert: Humble Indie Bundle V

It's that time again, indie bundle time, that is!  The good folks at Humble Indie Bundle are back with a fifth offering, and boy is it a good one!  As always, it's a pay-what-you-want affair, with your selected price netting you Amnesia, Psychonauts (yes, the Tim Schafer classic), Limbo, and Superbrothers: Sword and Sworcery EP!  All super great indie games (although Psychonauts isn't really an inde game per say, but still a great one!) that are all worth playing.  But that's not all!  Beating the average price (which at the time of this writing is $7.30) will also get you Bastion, which is a fantastic game as well (and well worth $7 all on its own!).  It really is an awesome bundle, and if you haven't picked up a Humble Bundle before, this is not one to miss-- plus a portion of your payment (or all of it, it's up to you) goes toward both the EFF and Child's Play!  It's a win-win for everybody, get great games and donate to charity!  I'd totally buy it, if I didn't already have all these games. :(

What are you waiting for? Go get it!

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