Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Aquabats Aqua-Battle!
Hey, remember that promo about the Aquabats Super Show premiring March 3rd? Well, now there's a game too! Go play it, it's awesome. You can play as all 5 of the Aquabats each with their own super rad super power! WHOA YEAH! Also Aquabats related and awesome: BURGER RAIN!!!
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Sunday Short Story (2/26/12)
Need something to read on a Sunday afternoon? Sunday Short Story finds some great short fiction from somewhere on the interweb supernetway for you to pass the time. Everybody could use a dose of good lit from time to time!
This Sunday's short story is the Harlan Ellison classic I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream, a story about the last five people on Earth trapped and tormented by a supercomputer named AM. It's definitely worth your time if your a post-apocalypse, sci-fi, or cyberpunk fan-- or just a fan of evil AIs in general.
Read it here!
Friday, February 24, 2012
Check Out These Rad Kid Icarus Weapons
Wondering what kinds of sweet weapons you'll be using when Kid Icarus: Uprising comes out for 3DS on March 23rd? Well, wonder no more. It seems Masahiro Sakurai (the game's and Smash Bros. developer) has all kinds of cool tricks up his sleeve for Kid Icarus' rebirth. Apparently, if you preorder the game at Amazon, Gamestop, or Best Buy you get a free download code for 3D Classics: Kid Icarus-- which is perfect if you've never had the privilege of enjoying the 25 year old original!
kid icarus,
kid icarus: uprising,
New Sega Game Trailer is Both Exciting and Disappointing
Exciting, because it's Jet Set Radio, but disappointing because it's not a new Jet Set Radio.
Friday Clip-Show: El Show de Aquaman y sus Amigos
I had something special lined up for today's clip, but then I found this. I don't... I don't even know how to explain this.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Netflix Instant Theater: The Rock-afire Explosion [Review]
Showbiz Pizza was the magical place all the kids wanted to go to in the early eighties. It had pizza, rides, video games, and an animatronic singing band composed of anthropomorphic animals.They were called the Rock-afire Explosion. They didn't last too long, because, in the early nineties, they were mysteriously pulled from the showrooms and replaced with the popular Chuck E. Cheese characters. Many children had fond memories of Showbiz Pizza and especially The Rock-afire Explosion, and it left an impression on some and they've never forgotten what it means to them. They carry this love even today, some twenty years later.
Twitbit: Dan Harmon
Why Can't This Be a Real Thing?
Brazillian artist Daniel HDR brings us a hypothetical Justice League of Hanna Barbera. I'm throwing all my money at the screen, but nothing is happening! Why can't this be a real comic?
Super Best Friends Forever Teaser Pic! UPDATE!
A single teaser image of Supergirl (above, obviously) has been released for Lauren Faust's (of Powerpuff, Ponies, and Foster's fame) Super Best Friends Forever, a short for Cartoon Network's DC Nation block-- which we've mentioned before. Looks fantastic, and I can't wait to see Wondergirl and Batgirl!
UPDATE: Lauren Faust has posted to her Deviantart a scan from TV Guide that shows all three of the Super Best Friends! Hit the jump to see!
Monday, February 20, 2012
New Hunger Games Images
Weekly Craft Geekery: 2/20/12
Hello, and welcome to this week's Weekly Craft Geekery, bringing you all sorts of wonderful craft geekery from all around Etsy.
Here are some cute Crochet mini Bob-ombs made by Steph Cortes. They are sure to explode their way into your heart.
Pokemon Yellow (iOS) [Review] UPDATE
It's finally happened! Nintendo has finally released a game for the iOS App Store! And what a game to choose, a port of the classic Pokemon hit, Pokemon Yellow. It's weird though that they would release it under the company name House of Anime...and that the screenshots on the App Store appear to be from one of the GBA Pokemon games... still it's #2 on the top paid games list on the store so it has to be legit, right?
No, I'm BSing you. It's a flat out scam.
Is Seaman Making Its Terrifying Return to 3DS?
According to a recent report, freaky manface fish virtual pet simulator, Seaman (which we can only hope plurals to Seamans and not...well you know) may be getting a revival on Nintendo's 3DS. It is said to be part of a Nintendo plan to revive other company's popular franchises in order to give the 3DS a stronger software catalog. So if you've wanted to feed and talk to horrifying fish-man hellspawn without hooking your Dreamcast back up, you might just be getting your chance.
[Source]- via Tiny Cartridge
TV Thoughts: The Walking Dead "Triggerfinger" 2/19/12
Last night’s The Walking Dead definitely showed that things are starting to pick up. Let’s talk about it after the jump.
Pokemon Love Song!
Just because it combines three things we love here at Pizza Xtreme Team-- those things being ukeleles, Pokemon, and ridiculous puns-- this adorably cute Pokemon love song written and performed by Youtube user HelloIamDanica is worth a quick watch. I, though, am not gonna Raichu a love song.
[HelloIamDanica's Youtube Page]
Double Fine Doubles a Million Dollars
[Double Fine Adventure]
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Pizza Xtreme Team is Now On Pinterest!
Come follow us and check out out all the cool stuff we pin! We also have it linked up to our Twitter so you can follow along from there too.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
ZiGGURAT (iOS) [Review]
You are the last man left on Earth atop a ziggurat, your gun your only hope against the skeletal alien hoards-- staring with their omnipresent red eyes. Yes, this is an iOS game, and even before the jump I am going to tell you that yes, it is completely and totally awesome. Humor me, though, follow the jump and let me tell you why.
PS Vita Already Hacked, Running Hombrew
As you can see, some technomancer named Wololo has already managed to hack Sony's brand new PS Vita and got it to run a ton of the original PSP's homebrew apps. Everything from emulated Super Mario World, Mario 64, Sonic and Knuckes, to Pokemon is shown in the above video. I'm sure Sony will patch up whatever loophole made this possible, but for now, the hackers have won.
Friday, February 17, 2012
Weekly Craft Geekery: 2/17/12
Weekly Craft Geekery is a new weekly feature spotlighting the best geeky items Etsy has to offer!
I like Etsy. It has a huge geekery section that often turns up some amazing stuff. I went through it and picked out some items that I think are awesome.
Here is a very cute Wonder Woman Poster print by Indy Lytle. I love her huge eyes and the fact she is just chilling reading and drinking coffee. If Wonder Woman isn’t your thing, be sure to check out the artist’s other items in her shop. She has other very cool posters of characters like Catwoman, Dr. Mrs. The Monarch, Princess Peach, and both Marceline and Fionna of Adventure Time.
harley quinn,
walking dead,
weekly craft geekery,
wonder woman
Watch the Mojam!
Mojang, in a partnership with the Humble Indie Bundle folks, have created the Mojam, a game making jam in which the team at Mojang (the Minecraft people) will spend the weekend making a game. If you donate some cash (any amount will do) you get to play the games they make within the time period. All proceeds go to charity, which is pretty rad! The game's theme and genre were chosen based on the least and most voted on choices from a poll on Mojang's site-- which means your donation will net you a Egyptian Steampunk Real-Time Strategy Shoot'em up. It's worth tuning in and donating just to see if they can even make such an absurd game!
Go here to watch and donate!
Twitbit: George Broussard
Friday Clip-Show: Pony Knows What is Love [Video]
Here at the PXT Underground Lunar Base Headquarters, we have learned to appreciate the finer things in life. So here's a mash-up of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and What is Love by Haddaway.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
A First Look at New Teen Titans
A first look at the New Teen Titans shorts that will be a part of Cartoon Network's upcoming DC Nation programing block of all DC Comics related comic. Looks cute! I like how Raven's body just looks like the wisps of a Pac-Man Ghost, and the line "Here's a thought: Let's make the characters three dimensional" is just priceless.
cartoon network,
dc nation,
new teen titans,
teen titans,
The Aquabats Super Show Promo!
Everyone's favorite rash-guard wearing super-music superheroes are getting their own show on The Hub (you know, that channel known mostly for its ponies)! They released this promo a few days ago for the show, which is a combination of both live action and animation. It premieres March 3rd at 11am-- a Saturday morning! I'll be there for sure, with a bowl of cereal and pajamas on!
Hey You Should Play This! #1: Here Comes Launchman Alpha Demo
Hey You Should Play This! is an ongoing feature spotlighting cool and free downloadable indie titles from around the interwebs.
New Minecraft Lego Revealed!
Today at LEGOworld in Copenhagen, Notch and crew unveiled the brand new Lego Minecraft set born from fan desire at Lego Cusoo. The commercial video they released (posted above) is also a way hillarious look into how the Minecraft Lego were (not really) made and is worth a watch! Hit the jump for pics, some thoughts, and the link to pre-order the set!
Friday, February 10, 2012
Friday Clip-Show: Space Stallions [Video]
This short film project from The Animation Workshop makes me all kinds of nostalgic for the ridiculously awesome cartoons from the 1980s.
And yes, I totally would've had all of the action figures.
And yes, I totally would've had all of the action figures.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Gotham City Impostors (PS3)[Review]
Sometimes an idea can just sound absolutely awful on paper. A Batman first person shooter? Batman doesn't even use guns! Well, the developers at Monolith dodge that issue completely by making the combat go down between two the Bats and the Jokerz, two rival gangs, each fanboys (and girls) of either Batman or the Joker, donning ramshackle handmade costumes and fighting to the death throughout different areas in Gotham City. So does it work? Find out after the jump!
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