You are the last man left on Earth atop a ziggurat, your gun your only hope against the skeletal alien hoards-- staring with their omnipresent red eyes. Yes, this is an iOS game, and even before the jump I am going to tell you that yes, it is completely and totally awesome. Humor me, though, follow the jump and let me tell you why.Sure it's a simple how-high-of-a-score-can-you-rack-up type of game, but there's so much depth going on in terms of gameplay control. The game's "precision mode" control scheme is one of the most refreshing and accurate iOS touch screen controls I've ever experienced. Drag your finger across the screen to rotate your aim, hold down on the screen to charge your gun, release to fire. It gives you unparallelled shooting accuracy on a handheld device known for lackluster controls. ZiGGURAT is doing exactly what every other iOS developer needs to-- creating controls designed specifically to work with the device, not shoehorning in controls meant for a device with buttons. When you die you are never cursing faulty controls, you curse yourself for your own ineptitude.
There's surprising depth hidden in this one screen game, even though each individual play usually lasts no more than a few minutes. The second time you play, perhaps, you'll realize that your gun doesn't reach maximum charge at the end of your hold, it hits it when the bullet is the biggest, somewhere 3/4 between the complete charging cycle and that this charge will net you bigger explosions. Maybe the fifth or sixth play it will dawn on you that it is possible to ricochet your bullets off the ziggurat itself, making it easier to pick off some of the lower alien freaks. Basically, it brings you both a charming simplicity and surprising hidden depth as you discover all the tiny nuances of the game's slick ass controls. It's Angry Birds for the hardcore set.
Overall, though, if you have something that runs iOS it should have ZiGGURAT on it. It's only $0.99, addictive and awesome.
Developer: Action Button Entertainment, LLC
Publisher: Freshsuu
Platform: iOS
Released: February 17, 2012
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