Monday, February 20, 2012

Pokemon Yellow (iOS) [Review] UPDATE

It's finally happened! Nintendo has finally released a game for the iOS App Store! And what a game to choose, a port of the classic Pokemon hit, Pokemon Yellow.  It's weird though that they would release it under the company name House of Anime...and that the screenshots on the App Store appear to be from one of the GBA Pokemon games... still it's #2 on the top paid games list on the store so it has to be legit, right?

No, I'm BSing you.  It's a flat out scam.

I thought Apple had quality control for these types of things?  No way would Nintendo ever make an app for an iPhone, or any other non-Nintendo system, as a matter of fact Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has been quoted as saying:
"This is absolutely not under consideration, If we did this, Nintendo would cease to be Nintendo."

So I wouldn't expect to see anything Nintendo branded show up on your iPhone.  Okay though, at this point I'm sure you are wondering, "Sure PXT, but horrible copyright infringement aside, how does Pokemon Yellow for iOS play?" Well, consider the following image a free demo:

Because after showing you this, then asking if you want to receive push notifications (which are probably spammy ads), it crashes back to your home screen.  That image is the entirety of the game's content, so not only is it guilty of massive copyright infringement, it's also a nonworking scam.  Yet somehow, this managed to make it through Apple's app aprovement process, then sell enough to get on the top 25 list. As of 5:34 PM EST, it's STILL THERE.  How did it get through? Is the whole App Store staff asleep/on vacation?  I'm wondering how Apple is going to handle getting the money back to the tons of poor saps who paid for this app, if they do at all.  Both the company pulling this scam and Apple itself should be ashamed.

PXT Final Verdict: 0/10 for being a scam perpetrated by some sad criminal.

UPDATE: Looks like it has finally been removed from the App Store.  Mass refunds won't be given out, and the best you can do to obtain a refund (if you unfortunately purchased this travesty) is to get ahold of Apple through Itunes and hope for the best.

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