Monday, February 20, 2012

Weekly Craft Geekery: 2/20/12

Hello, and welcome to this week's Weekly Craft Geekery, bringing you all sorts of wonderful craft geekery from all around Etsy.

Here are some cute Crochet mini Bob-ombs made by Steph Cortes. They are sure to explode their way into your heart.

Ever wish your coasters had a Star Trek meets South Park flair? These coasters made by Danni P. are really cool and would look awesome on your coffee table or wall.


These Zelda Hylian Shield earrings are super cool and I would let them protect my earlobes from Stalfos attacks any day.  Megan also has other wonderfully geeky jewelry in her store.

This awesome Chain Chomp scarf is the Chain Chompinest thing you'll put around your neck.  The seller's name is Dani and she has a bunch of other really cool things in her store that you should see, including a really cool Yoshi scarf.

Does your hairdo need a little pow? Then I found the thing for you. It's a comic book inspired hair barrette. Instantly adds pow to any hair. There are all kinds of different hair baubles in the JanineBasil store.

Want to turn the top of your head into everyone's favorite Astromech droid? Yes, you do. Luckily Olive knitted this R2D2 toque, which is Canadian for knitted hat. Of course there are other neat things in her store you should see, including a variety of other toques.

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