Sunday, September 30, 2012
In Defense of Gameloft [Opinion]
Gameloft is a game company that mostly makes mobile games (not counting the odd port to a handheld, like say Dungeon Hunters for PSVita)-- and actually really solid ones. Unfortunatly they seem to be the recipiants of a lot of ire from the gaming comunity for what they do-- which is basically make knock-offs of known franchises for iOS and Android. Is this really so bad though?
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Happy Birthday Sam!
That's right, it's PXT co-founder and masterful web master Sam's birthday today! Everybody wish him a happy b-day! I got him some fresh Gangnam Style...and another Gangnam related vid after the jump.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Hey, You Should Play This: Adventure Minute
I know, long time no Hey, You Should Play This. Honestly they're haven't been a lot of free indie game that have jump out at me lately, and also I've not had a whole lot of time to play them. I guess that's the perfect segway into Adventure Minute the Adventure Time game played in one minute chunks!
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Neat, The Bob's Burgers Pilot!
Check out the pilot episode for Fox's super excellent and great TV show, Bob's Burgers! You can tell they made quite a few changes before the show went to air. The style is quite different (note the muted colors and minimalist animation) and probably the most glaring change is the fact that Tina was originally male! That's right, at one time Bob and Linda had a teenage son named Daniel. Not surprising though, is the fact that his voice is still the same.
Anyways, check out the whole 12-ish minutes after the jump!
Monday, September 17, 2012
Final Fantasy Project Part 2 of 14: A Field of Wild Roses (FFII)
Hey it's taken me a little more than a month, but I've finally managed to battle my way through Final Fantasy II, which adds another countdown notch on the prison wall that is this project-- no I'm kidding, I'm not completely burnt out on Final Fantasy yet... although to be honest FFII did not help matters. It was a rough ride, let me tell you. (Seriously, click the little "Read More" button and let me tell you. It's the whole point of this article.)
Photos of New RoboCop Suit Surface [Photos]
Dare I Say Rovio's Angry Birds Spin Off "Bad Piggies" Actually Looks...Fun?
It's pretty common knowledge I'm not a very big fan of the Angry Birds. I mean, I thought Space was pretty alright mostly because they actually spent the time trying to innovate on their existing formula (rather than just toss a new theme on it like they did Seasons and Rio). Bad Piggies looks like it is actively trying to turn the whole Angry Birds formula on its head, by making a game about building instead of destroying. In the just released today gameplay footage (which you can see below, by the way), it shows you'll be building adorably ramshackle little vehicles for the pigs to drive (and fly) in to traverse very Angry Birds-looking (so basically Worms-looking) terrain. It --at least to me anyways-- looks leaps and bounds more fun than flinging birds at wood over and over again. Then again, I've always been more of a building guy than a destroying guy. Must be all those impressionable years with Lego bricks in hand.
[via yahoogames]
Friday, September 14, 2012
The Walking Dead Season 3 Trailer!
AMC dropped a short but very sweet trailer of the upcoming 3rd season of The Walking Dead today! There's a lot of action going on, which makes me wonder (and hope) if they are going to up the amount of action scenes. You can see a bit of the prison, and some Michonne, and a whole lot of undead ass kicking! Can't wait for Oct. 14!
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Here's NintendoTVii!
If you were wondering what Wii U's NintendoTvii feature looked like, wonder no further! Watch as your gamepad magically becomes a remote! Marvel as the Wii U brings Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Instant Watch all to one place! Giggle at its stupid name! (wouldn't Nintendo TeeVii look at least a little better?)
Wondering How the Wii U Gamepad Actually Works in ZombiU? Watch This.
Check out this video and see the truly unique ways in which Wii U launch title ZombiU uses the gamepad screen. If you don't think this is at least kinda cool, you're probably being an overly cynical butt and you should stop that. It's why you don't have any friends. Anyways, check it out.
Another New Super Mario Bros. Wii U Trailer!
After the big 'ol bucket of disappointment that New Super Mario Bros. 2 was, I want to be skeptical about this one, but you know what? It looks pretty good. The graphics show some major improvement, there's an actual map screen this time (which is something I complained about in my NSMB2 review a lot) and Challenge mode seems like a fantastic idea. I'm just not going to let my hopes get too high though. Cross on over for the trailer and the gameplay vid from the Wii U Preview event.
Put Your Gun-Shoes Back On: Bayonetta 2 Is Coming!
That's right! Everyone's favorite gun-heel toting, hair magic usin' Umbra witch is back! Much to the impotent rage of console fanboys (and boneheaded Kotaku commenters) this Bayonetta is a Wii U exclusive! There's no hard facts on it yet...besides the fact that it exsists, but still...Bayonetta 2! Hit the jump for the trailer, which doesn't have any gameplay, or anything much really, except for some gunshots, a blade, and Bayonetta's signature footwear (which is now blue!).
The Wii U Price and Release Date Are Set!
Yup, it's $299 for the Basic Set and $349 for the Deluxe Set, both of which are comin' atcha on November 18th. Not bad! Hit the jump to see what each set nets you.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Nintendo's Whipping Out All Their Wii U Info Tomorrow
Tomorrow's the big day, everyone, when all of the big questions surrounding Nintendo's new Wii U console will be answered! At 10am ET the Regginator will take stage to deliver us a Nintendo Direct covering stuff like release date and price. There's a fun video announcing the presentation after the jump, showing Reggie conferring with two other Nintendo bigwigs who also happen to be plumbers. I, of course, will be covering the event live right here at the PXT, so don't forget to hang out here with me at 10am tomorrow for all kinds of commentary on the event. I wonder if the rumors are true....
Whoa, a New Wreck-It Ralph Trailer!
...and it has a certain speedy blue hedgehog in it! After seeing the first trailer probably half a million god darn times (because they play it repeatedly on the TVs at my job) it's pretty refreshing to see some new footage for this great looking Disney flick. Hit the jump to see it, and get some sad news regarding whether or not the movie will feature any mustachioed plumbers.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Pizzacast! 10 - Secret Plans
The Pull List #7 - Pull List Goes Hawaiian [Review]
Did you know there was at one time a proposed sequel to Tim Burton's Beetlejuice titled, I kid you not, Beetlejuice Goes Hawaiian? I don't know about you, but I'm not sure if Beetlejuice would've benefited from a tropical setting.
(What does this have to do with the 3-month gap between installments of The Pull List? Nothing at all.)
Monday, September 10, 2012
Sifl and Olly Are Back! (And Reviewing Games!)
The best sock puppet show of the 90s... okay, probably ever is back! This time the intrepid duo will be review video games as part of their weird variety/interview/whatever it was show. The catch, though, is the games are hilariously fake. In the first episode, Sifl and Olly cover 2 titles for the Zeus 720's Kinetic add-on, Slap Dat Ass: Beat Jams and a home health diagnosis app. Check it out-- and the new series' promo vid-- after the jump!
[via machinima]
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Mini-Review: Farmville 2
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Weekly Craft Geekery: 9/8/12
Hey there! I have some great stuff for you today! I found an bag that looks like a giant Gameboy, and a couple of things for your cosplay for con season, including My Little Pony wings and a Lousie's pink bunny hat from Bob's Burgers. There is also adorable crocheted tiny Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Pokémon undies, and some awesome stuff inspired by Parks and Recreation and Arrested Development. This stuff is super cool!
Check out this hat! Bob's Burgers is one of my favorite shows and Louise is one of my favorite characters ever. She is a little girl who is slightly evil, wears a pink bunny hat, and is voiced by Kristen Schaal. This hat is awesome! It looks really well made and would make your cosplay perfect. Seriously, if you have not seen Bob's Burgers yet, you have to. Especially if you were a fan of Home Movies. You can get this hat and other awesome stuff at the Etsy store, Epic Costumes
Check out the rest of the awesome stuff after the jump!
Friday, September 7, 2012
Rumor Mill: Wii U Rumors Abound, Including Both Price and Release Date!
Thanks to a leaked Amazon listing (which has now been removed) all kinds of secret info on the Wii U has come out. First of all, the listing claimed that the new console's release date would be November 11th (so soon!) and that it not only has one price, but three separate options: a $250 model, a $300 model, and a $350 one as well. My guess on the price difference would be the inclusion of controllers and an additional Wii U pad. Perhaps the $300 one comes with that Wii U Pro Controller and the $350 comes with a second Wii U pad? Or maybe the extra $50 in the $350 model includes a pack-in game like Nintendo Land? Maybe it's different storage sizes. I don't know, it's all speculation at this point. Wait, hold on! There's also some Zelda rumors as well!
Friday Clip-Show: Zubatman: The Aminated Series [Video]
Everybody loves a good mash-up. So when I found a riff on the old Batman: The Animated Series opening that incorporated elements from a certain Japanese monster cockfighting game, I knew it would be worthy of a Friday Clip-Show.
He is vengeance. He is the night. HE. IS. ZUBATMAN!
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Sorry Nerds, G4 Isn't Going to Be For You Anymore
Apparently NBC Universal, the company behind the previously geek and tech-centric TV network G4 has decided that they want to rebrand the channel. They say the new network will be inspired by GQ magazine and "for the modern male". Sounds to me like they want to make a channel for douchebags. Do we really need another Spike TV?
Phoenix Wright Returns for Ace Attorney 5! Check Out These Screenshots!
You may or may not have heard, but a 5th installment of the Ace Attorney series for the 3DS is in the works. Awesome, right? It has already been confirmed that it is being released here in America! Can it get any better? Yes it can! These screenshots show everyone's favorite pointy-haired attorney back in the courtroom. Also, no more flat 2d images! It is animated in all glorious three dimensions! I bet his objection pointing finger will be extra objection-y in 3d.
From the look of these screenshots, it's gonna look pretty great. Some of these screenshots raise more questions than give answers though. Click the jump to read more and check out the screenshots!
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
New Super Mario Bros. 2 (3DS) [Review] (UPDATE!)
Hey, it's new Mario game time. I don't think I need to tell you I was pretty excited for this game, I'm a pretty big Mario fan. Not enough to be blind to when I'm having recycled crap shoved in my face though. So does New Super Mario Bros. 2 bring enough "New" to the table to warrant its existence, or is it like I mentioned before, Nintendo shoveling recycled crap in our collective faces?