Who would've though the first big-screen team-up between DC's most popular characters would take place within a proposed LEGO film? Well believe it, and you'll never guess who they're getting to voice the super-duo.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Superman and Batman Are Headed to Theaters... in LEGO Form?
Who would've though the first big-screen team-up between DC's most popular characters would take place within a proposed LEGO film? Well believe it, and you'll never guess who they're getting to voice the super-duo.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Weekly Craft Geekery: 6/26/12
This apron is awesome and makes you look like R2. Boop beep beep boop WooOOAAHH. It looks really well-made and the design is awesome. There is also more awesome stuff in the Etsy store, Haute Mess Threads. I'd hurry because it looks like they are emptying their stock and taking a break to make and take photos of new stuff.
Check out the rest after the jump!
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Pizzacast! 07 - Knowing is Half the Battle
This week... we discuss the possibility of a Draw Something TV series, the popular webcomic Starslip ending after an impressive 7-year run, a truly ridiculous revelation within the pages of Batman, and the new LEGO Batman 2 videogame. All this, plus William Shatner music and a surprising amount of G.I. Joe talk!
Friday, June 22, 2012
Friday Clip-Show: Desperate For Content Edition [Video]
I had a heck of a time finding a decent Clip-Show for you guys this week, and in the end I took the first thing that made me chuckle. Here's hoping you chuckle too.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Nintendo Announces a New 3DS Model [UPDATE!]
Yup, they said they weren't going to do it, but hey, look at that, a new 3DS model. It's 90% larger and has cool rounded edges, plus extended battery life. Apparently it's going to be called the 3DS LL in Japan, which means it's very likely they'll call it the 3DS XL when it comes around here to the 'States.
Stupid Nintendo...you said you wouldn't do this...but I know I'm going to buy this anyway because it's bigger and awesome and I loved my regular DS XL. Darn.
UPDATE: Now that the US version of Nintendo Direct has come and gone, it official! It's going to be called the 3DS XL, it'll cost $199.99, and is coming out the same day as New Super Mario Bros. 2 which is 8/19. Make sure your bodies and your wallets are ready.
[via Nintendo Direct]
Hey Everypony! Gameloft is Bringing My Little Pony to Your iPad!
Bronies rejoice! Gameloft (makers of a lot of fairly decent mobile games) has struck a deal with Hasbro to bring games based on everypony's favorite tiny equine-related franchise to mobile devices! Here's a blurb from the press release!
Gameloft®, a leading global publisher of digital and social games today announced that it has signed a worldwide strategic licensing deal with Hasbro, Inc. (NASDAQ: HAS). Under the agreement, Gameloft will develop and market MY LITTLE PONY and LITTLEST PET SHOP brand digital play experiences across a myriad of tablet, smartphone and platforms such as iPad®, iPod touch®, iPhone®, and Android®.
Bust out the party cannon and celebrate! The Gameloft developed MLP games are set to be released from their stables in time for Hearth's Warming Eve...I mean the holidays.
Oh yeah, there's Littlest Pet Shop games too, but who cares. /) (\ Brohoof!
Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes (Wii) [Review]
Monday, June 18, 2012
Pizzacast! 06 - Creative Editing
Pizzacast! is BACK!! In this Frankenstein's Monster of a show our intrepid hosts voice concerns over the new Tomb Raider trailer, try to make sense out of DC Comic's "Zero-Issue" event, talk about some Kickstarter campaigns, and finally go over some new movie trailers. Then, we totally lose steam AGAIN as we dip into the PXT Mailbag!
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Three Things Nintendo Could Learn From Mario Fan Games
It's no secret I'm an enormous Mario fan, I mean, Super Mario Bros. 3 is literally my favorite game of all time. My apartment has more Mario figurines and junk in it than is probably considered normal. Still though, it doesn't effect my critical eye toward the Mario series (except perhaps make me actually more critical towards it) and when I saw the previews for both Nintendo's new New Super Mario Bros. games (you know, NSMB U and NSMB 2) I couldn't help but be overcome with a strange feeling I don't normally associate with Mario games (especially 2D ones): vague disapointment. I don't doubt the games will be solid and fun, I'm sure they will be, it just bothers me that they could be so much more.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Apparently, Somebody At CBS Thinks A Draw Something TV Show Is A Good Idea
Yup, the people who thought a twitter feed was enough to make a sitcom out of (CBS), apparently think casual social drawing game Draw Something has potential as game show.
So, These Are All The Playable Characters In Lego Batman 2
So like a lot of us, you're probably counting down the days (3 more!) until the release of Lego Batman 2 DC Superheroes. You're probably also wondering, "Hey who is in this game anyways?" Well, besides the 10 pre-order bonus characters we already told you about, there's 55 other Lego-ized versions of your favorite heroes (and villains!) waiting to run free all over Gotham City. Hit the jump for the list--oh yeah-- and spoilers ahoy!
Friday Clip-Show: Every Face Punch in Roadhouse [Video]
I gotta tell you, it's been a pretty rough week for me... so as a form of frustration release, please enjoy every face punch in the movie Roadhouse.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Penny Arcade and Zeboyd's Rainslick Ep. 3 Gets the Opposite of a Delay
Good news everyone! You know how the third episode of Penny Arcade Adventures was going to come out in July? Well it's out of the oven a little early, so they figured why not release it early? Jerry Holkins (Tycho, dummy) had this to say about it in a recent blog post:
“On The Rain-Slick Precipice Of Darkness: Episode 3 was well received at E3, which is nice, because we tried desperately to bring about that very result. We’re committed to releasing it “When It’s Done” as they say, and it is done, so waiting until July seems dumb. How does the 25th sound, for Steam and XBLIG? Zeboyd is throwing in Cthulhu Saves The World for Steam purchases in the first week, which I thought was sweet of them. The ports are… porting, EVEN NOW, and the PC version will have SteamPlay when Mac goes live. The trailer goes up Monday; I am trying not to be excited, to temper my expectations, but I am not doing a very good job.”
Very exciting!
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Play the tie-in game for Wreck-It Ralph, Fix-It Felix Jr. Right Now
I'm not really surprised they did this. The movie is about an old video game. If they didn't do it, I'm sure someone else would have. I'm glad they did though, because it's actually pretty good!
Read more about it after the jump!
Monday, June 11, 2012
Colossalcon 11 Cosplay Extravaganza
Didn't make it out to Colossalcon 11 in Sandusky, Ohio? That's okay, neither did I (because I didn't know it was a thing...so maybe next time?) but lucky for us, honorary PXT roving reporter Liz Parlapiano was on the scene! It looks like it was a great time, and was held at the Kalahari Resort, so if you get bored of looking a hug pillows and PVC figures you can hit up the water park! Anyways, there was apparently a metric effton of great cosplay, from Touhou to Pokemon to a few you wouldn't expect (Columbia from Rocky Horror? Why not?). Hit the jump to see all the costumed goodness!
Sunday, June 10, 2012
DC Comics "New 52" To Release #0 Issues, 4 New Titles Announced in September [UPDATE!]
Looks like DC Comics is going to renumber their books again.
No, there isn't going to be ANOTHER continuity shake-up. Instead, DC will be releasing #0 issues for all their current books, with stand-alone stories that take place some time before the relaunched #1 issues. They are also going to test the waters with a few new books as part of their grand "New 52" experiment. Take a look at the new books, along with some opinions on them, after the jump!
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Hurry Up and Fund The Two Guys SpaceVenture!
Hey, remember Space Quest, that old sci-fi parody adventure game? Yeah, it was a pretty awesome series, right? Remember how it was made by those Two Guys From Andromeda? Well those Two Guys are Kickstarting a brand new adventure game project in the same vein as their classic Space Quest adventures. I should of posted about it a long time ago, but I was like "Man, this is such an awesome project there is no way it won't get funded!"...well here we are with only 61 hours left and they still need a fat sack full of $66,164! I can't believe they haven't already passed their funding goal yet! If you guys are willing to give Tim Schaefer a billion jillion dollars you can at least toss some money in the Two Guys' direction. Hell, you got a Leisure Suit Larry remake funded! This is a brand new game, people! It'll be worth it, trust me.
And if it doesn't get funded I'll be a very, very sad man. Get on it! Seriously! This is the kind of stuff Kickstarter was made for!
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Check Out This New Super Mario Bros. 2 Trailer If You Can See It Through All The Coins [E3 2012]
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
New Super Mario Bros. U Trailer! [E3 2012]
Yup, there was a new Mario announced for the Wii U. It looks an awful lot (probably too much) like the last New Super Mario Bros. on the Wii. I'm sure it will be a fantastic game, and they seem to have added some fun new power-ups like baby Yoshis and that flying squirrel suit, but it's not the amazing-looking, mind-blowing looking game that Super Mario Galaxy was when the original Wii was announced. I just can't seem to get all that excited for it, hell, the New Super Mario Bros. 2 they announced for 3DS seems like it has more interesting things going on for it. Go ahead and click through to see the Mario action.
Lego City Undercover Trailer! [E3 2012]
Monday, June 4, 2012
Check Out Watch Dogs! [E3 2012]
Watch Dogs by UbiSoft (which was the highlight of their press conference) so far has been the most interesting game of the entire show. It looks like some sort of Deus Ex/Assassin's Creed/Grand Theft Auto cyberpunk thriller where you have access to the personal information of everyone around you. You can also hack and listen in to people's phone calls, control stop lights and bridges, and all kinds of other cool stuff. Don't just take my word for it though, check the rad gameplay trailer after the jump. The system this game is for is still under wraps, but I'd put my money on it being all of them.
Feast Your Eyes on Some Resident Evil 6
Microsoft Press Conference Highlights! [E3 2012]
Alright so Microsoft had their humble little press conference this morning and the following quiet announcements whispered by...oh wait did I say humble and quiet? I mean a loud and bombastic explosion of game videos and new stuff, and yes, unfortunately they are still trying to push the Kinect on us. Does anyone really like it? Anyway, hit the jump and I'll fill you in on all the news.
Nintendo Direct Pre-E3 Video [E3 2012]
Hey, did you watch that Pre-E3 Nintendo Direct thing yesterday? No? Then watch it here now and get caught up before all the big reveals tomorrow at their actual E3 press conference! If you did see it, why not watch again, you know you can't get enough of "Non-specific Action Figure".
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Pizzacast! 05 - Dangerously Close to FanFiction
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Indie Bundle Alert: The Graduation Bundle
Hey, didn't I just do one of these? Well, yeah, but this other bundle from the people at Indie Royale (which is what you call an indie bundle in France) has some pretty good stuff in it as well. For the low, low price of $5.09 (at the time of this writing anyways) you can net copies of The Void (a first person adventure), Dead Pixels (a really awesome NES inspired zombie sim), The Ship (a Source engine multiplayer mystery), 1000 Amps (a cool puzzle platformer) and LaserCat (a retro flip-screen platformer). Also, since enough people have bought it already, you also score a copy of Ichi, a one button puzzler. Quite a load of good games for little coin. The catch? It only has 3 days left before it's gone (which is kind of my bad, I probably should of reported on it sooner). Go get it!
The Graduation Bundle - Indie Royale
Friday, June 1, 2012
No More Speculation: Earth-2 Green Lantern Alan Scott is Gay
It came about 8 months ago when I was first putting the team together. One of the things that bothered me about the reboot and about the Justice Society being young again was that there were some characters that would no longer exist. One of those characters is Obsidian, Alan Scott's gay son. So from then on I started to think about it and it seemed like a logical leap to make Alan Scott gay. And the idea that the leader of the Justice Society, the most honorable, dynamic and gallant hero on Earth 2 would be a gay man just seemed like a really cool and interesting direction for the character.
So it was my idea, but to be fair Dan DiDio, when he heard about the idea, there wasn't a moment of hesitation on his part. He thought it was a great idea
They Announced A New Gears of War
It's called Gears of War: Judgement (or GOWJ, which when you say it sounds like "gouge". Gowj totally sounds like the name of a Nu Metal band, by the way)... apparently both Baird and Augustus "Cole Train" Cole will be making a reappearance. Just thought you might like to know. I, though, am to busy being upset that Epic is making this and not a new Jazz Jackrabbit to care. Tears.