Hey, didn't I just do one of these? Well, yeah, but this other bundle from the people at Indie Royale (which is what you call an indie bundle in France) has some pretty good stuff in it as well. For the low, low price of $5.09 (at the time of this writing anyways) you can net copies of The Void (a first person adventure), Dead Pixels (a really awesome NES inspired zombie sim), The Ship (a Source engine multiplayer mystery), 1000 Amps (a cool puzzle platformer) and LaserCat (a retro flip-screen platformer). Also, since enough people have bought it already, you also score a copy of Ichi, a one button puzzler. Quite a load of good games for little coin. The catch? It only has 3 days left before it's gone (which is kind of my bad, I probably should of reported on it sooner). Go get it!
The Graduation Bundle - Indie Royale
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