Yup, the people who thought a twitter feed was enough to make a sitcom out of (CBS), apparently think casual social drawing game Draw Something has potential as game show.
...well, they are calling it a "reality show" but here's the description:
Each week, teams of celebrities and everyday users will test their skills in front of a studio audience to earn money and big laughs. Viewers can also play along at home for a chance to win prizes and compete with the celebrities.
Yeah, sounds like a game show to me but I guess everything has to be a reality show these days. Seriously, who thought this was a good idea? Isn't this just Win, Lose, or Draw re-branded with the name of a Zynga game everybody lost interest in a couple months ago? Here's a good idea, CBS (and all other networks for that matter) make some actually good shows, and give them a chance to grow instead of canceling them after their premiere isn't explosively amazing. Great scripted stuff, like Arrested Development, Futurama, or Louie. Stuff that is crazy witty and smart and doesn't treat its audience like a lowest common denominator drooling inbred moron. Then again, I guess Jersey Shore is crazy popular, so what do I know. I just wish TV had shows I liked.
[via Deadline]
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