Saturday, January 26, 2013

Pizzacast! 17 - We're Back!


This week, our hosts dig into some movie talk, discuss the new Pokemon X and Y, the Dr. Who Christmas Special, and the various KaBoom Comics' Adventure time! spin-offs. Get ready, folks, 'cause we... are really rusty at podcasting.

Music this week from Anamanaguchi, "Dawn Metropolis"

Thursday, January 24, 2013

J.J. Abrams Locked Down To Direct New Star Wars!


Word on the street is J.J. Abrams is going to direct the new Star Wars movie. We will cover this further as details emerge.

Weekly Craft Geekery: 1/24/13







Hey There! Welcome back to the Geekery. My day job has slowed down since Christmas is over, so I should have time to do this stuff again! Aren't you excited? I know I am! I found some really nifty stuff including some really cool Science and Grammar art prints,  jewelery that might have your favorite real and fictional pop culture icons in silhouette form, and also wooden Adventure Time clocks that you have to see.


You'll know when it's Adventure Time with these awesome clocks. These are seriously pretty and look well made. They are made from wood, which is something I haven't seen too much of My favorites are Lumpy Space Princess and Ice King. They aren't just limited to Adventure Time. There are some Doctor Who ones and some super heroes as well.  All of these can be found in the Etsy store, alantronics!

Check out the rest of this lumping stuff after the jump!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Zombieland is Getting a Show...Not a TV Show, Though


Remember that movie, Zombieland? You should, it wasn't that long ago.  If you were hoping for a sequel, this is not that news, but it's kind of close!  The movie's getting a series!  Like the headline says, though, it's not coming to TV, unfortunately, it's coming to...wait for it... Amazon Instant Streaming? Yeah, that's right, it's not even coming to Netflix.  It's coming to that streaming service that everybody has because they have Amazon Prime, but don't use because they have Netflix.  Since it's a web-only series coming to a second-tier streaming service, I wouldn't hold my breath about ANY of the original cast coming back.  Still though, it'll be interesting to see how this one turns out!
[via critiques4geeks]

Dexter's Rude Removal, the Lost Episode of Dexter Laboratory Finally Released!


After being lost in the Cartoon Network archives for probably a decade at least, the secret, only played at cons for adults episode of cartoon classic Dexter's Laboratory has be released to the internet thanks to Adult Swim!  Unfortunately all the swearing has been bleeped (presumably one of the stipulations of releasing it to the public) which kind of defeats the purpose of the whole cartoon, but nonetheless it's still a pretty funny short, especially if you are (or were) a Dexter (no, not the murdering one) fan. Hit the jump and prepare for some spicy language!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Final Fantasy All The Bravest (iOS) [Review]


Final Fantasy makers Square Enix have be focusing on the mobile market quite a bit lately, hell, not to long ago they released a brand new retro-style full Final Fantasy game (Final Fantasy Dimensions), and now here's another game bearing the Final Fantasy name.  Unlike the other FF titles available on the App Store though, this one doesn't cost you an arm and a leg...initially, that is.