In case you haven't seen, the twitter hashtag #1reasonwhy is being used by females working in video games to bring the sexism that comes with a male dominated industry to light. Even if the thought of this makes you roll your eyes and you think that this topic doesn't matter, I really wish you will take a second and scroll through these tweets. If you are not willing to even try to put yourself in another's shoes, you are part of the problem. You can read them here. From what I gather, this started after someone on twitter asked the simple question: why are there so few female game developers? The ladies then assembled their answers under the hashtag #1reasonwhy. These stories from women that work in the video game industry are infuriating and sad at the same time. Everyone deserves to have a career they love and they shouldn't have to worry about being bullied and treated differently because of their gender. It's sad that it is almost 2013 and women still get treated this way have to do something like this to bring attention to it.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
#1reasonwhy Explodes on Twitter and Shows Sexism is STILL a Major Problem in the Games Industry
In case you haven't seen, the twitter hashtag #1reasonwhy is being used by females working in video games to bring the sexism that comes with a male dominated industry to light. Even if the thought of this makes you roll your eyes and you think that this topic doesn't matter, I really wish you will take a second and scroll through these tweets. If you are not willing to even try to put yourself in another's shoes, you are part of the problem. You can read them here. From what I gather, this started after someone on twitter asked the simple question: why are there so few female game developers? The ladies then assembled their answers under the hashtag #1reasonwhy. These stories from women that work in the video game industry are infuriating and sad at the same time. Everyone deserves to have a career they love and they shouldn't have to worry about being bullied and treated differently because of their gender. It's sad that it is almost 2013 and women still get treated this way have to do something like this to bring attention to it.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
...Aaaand, We're Back.
Thanks to some hosting hiccups, (thanks a lot, iPage) we were down there for a bit-- but now we're back! Please continue your regularly scheduled browsing and podcast listening.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Happy Thanksgiving from PXT!
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Tales From the Front Line(s) - Wii U
I'm in line now for the Wii U! Check out my live tweets (and watch as I slowly lose my mind) over the next 8 hours on my twitter, @PXT_Cody
Friday, November 16, 2012
Pizzacast! 15 - A Neck Waddle of Bitterness
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
There's a New Grand Theft Auto V Trailer and it Looks Totally Awesome
Yep, Rockstar has released the second trailer for its next Grand Theft Auto game, and did I mention it looks really good? The graphics alone are crazy top notch! In it we see a little bit of each of the game's 3 protagonists and all kinds of other crazy crap, like the aforementioned train collision, and a man hanging from a boat sail over a busy highway. Watch it, it's awesome!
Friday, November 9, 2012
Angry Birds Star Wars (iOS) [Review]
Yeah, I know. Angry Birds Stars Wars. It sounds like something Satan concocted in the bowels of Hell itself. The classic Star Wars you know and love mashed up with those freaking birds you see plastered on (almost literally) every product in your local Wal-Mart. Hell, one time PXT member extraordinaire Samantha saw a kid with the red bird buzzed into the back his hair. That's neither here nor there though. What happens when LucasArts gets their Star Wars in Rovio's Angry Birds and when Rovio gets their Angry Birds in LucasArts' Star Wars?
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Check Out The First Episode Of Penn Ward's 'Bravest Warriors' [Video]
Hey Adventure Time fans! The first episode of Penn Ward's new webseries Bravest Warriors dropped earlier today, and needless to say, it's pretty great. And since we're all about sharing awesome new stuff with anyone who will listen, you can check out the first episode, entitled 'Time Slime,' right here after the jump!
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Like Variant Covers? 'Justice League of America' #1 Has 52 Of 'Em (Plus Two New Series) [News]
In an effort to expertly define the term 'overkill,' DC Comics has announced that there will be not one, not 2, but 52 (yes... 52) variant covers for their upcoming ongoing series Justice League of America #1, and has also announce the creation of two new series, one of which that is totally blowing my mind.
Hey Bronies, The My Little Pony iOS Game Comes Out Tomorrow!
Ever want to build your own Ponyville? Well thanks to the fine folks at Gameloft (hmmm, I feel like maybe I just talked about them not too long ago...) you're going to get the chance to tomorrow. That's right, you only have to survive one more cold, dark , pony game-less day until you can construct Rarity's Boutique wherever you want in your very own Ponyville. Hell, it'll be better than playing Angry Birds Star Wars, which also, unfortunately, also comes out tomorrow. Expect reviews of both! For now though, feast your eyes on some Twilightlicious (hey, Tara Strong coined that one, not me) screenshots after the jump.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Doom 3: BFG Edition (PS3) [Review]
When I heard they were remaking Doom 3, my first thought was, "Already!?" but then I realized the game had actually come out 8 years ago. Maybe a re-release isn't such a crazy idea after all. Doom 3 has always been a solid game that successfully married a survival horror aesthetic to classic Doom run and gun gameplay-- albeit with some polarizing design choices. Players have argued about the game's flashlight (you couldn't use it and a gun at that same time, resulting in a lot of shooting into the darkness) and the game's reliance on "monster closets" to dole out cheap scares. Does Doom 3: BFG Edition fix these issues, and 8 years later does it still stand up with all of the advances that have been made in FPS design? Hit the jump and I'll let you know.
Friday, November 2, 2012
Pizzacast! 14 - Shooting Into The Darkness
We're keeping the podcast train a' movin'! In this spooky edition of Pizzacast!, our rag-tag geek culture-hunting adventurers discuss Doom 3, Gravity Falls (again), the Walking Dead, Sonic the Hedgehog (and his lack of pants), plus reviews of the Venture Bros. Halloween Special and the Munsters' reboot Mockingbird Lane. All this, and a heaping helping of The Monster Mash! Enjoy, kiddies!