Monday, March 11, 2013

Metal Gear Rising: Revengence (PS3) [Review]


Yay, it's new Metal Gear time! Metal Gear is one of those series that I hold close to my heart.  For all its hour long (or more) cut-scenes, it's nonsensical plot twists, the game's tendency to explain everything away with nanomachines (the Metal Gear version of "A wizard did it"), and the tendency of the game's bosses to go on hour long pseudo-philosophical rants I honestly can't get enough of it.  Metal Gear Solid sits up there with my other all time favorite games, the Marios and Metroids of the world.  It goes without saying I was pretty excited for a new title (albeit a spin-off) in the series.  Not only a new game mind you, a new game developed by Platinum Games-- one of my all-time favorite devs!-- who brought the world the magnificence that is Bayonetta.  Basically, my expectations were high.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Hey Whoa, Jhonen Vasquez is Teaming Up With Titmouse Inc. for a Squee Animated Short!


...and maybe more!  Just recently revealed at their own ECCC panel, Titmouse (the animators behind stuff like Venture Bros., Metalocoypse, Superjail, and even Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja) are collaborating with famed indie cartoonist and Invader Zim creator Jhonen Vasquez to produce an animated short based on Squee! the comic book spinoff staring Johnny the Homicidal Maniac's young neighbor.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Jay and Silent Bob's Super Groovy Cartoon Movie Has a Trailer!


Yup, Jay and Silent Bob are getting a animated movie (which there's been murmurs of for some time now) but for the first time ever, we finally get to see a little bit of it!  It was produced by Jason Mewes himself, and directed by Steve Stark, the guy behind the Smodimations series (and possibly Tony Stark's secret brother!?).  Hit the jump to see...and of course I'll throw in my two cents.