From all of us here at Pizza Xtreme Team to all of you, we wish you a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Crazy Kwanzaa, Jolly Festivus, and very Happy Holidays!
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Happy Holdays from the PXT!
From all of us here at Pizza Xtreme Team to all of you, we wish you a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Crazy Kwanzaa, Jolly Festivus, and very Happy Holidays!
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
We're Sick!
Friday, December 16, 2011
Friday Clip-Show: My Fandom Is Like Voltron [Video]
Actually, this is part of their comedy web series Kris and Scott's Scott and Kris Show. You can see all of their episodes over at Penny Arcade: PATV. Check it out!
Thursday, December 15, 2011
The Pull List #2 - “Electric Boogaloo” [Review]
I'm going to be completely honest, I almost skipped this week's installment of The Pull List. You see, I have been fighting a real killer cold for the last week or so. Headaches, neck aches, nose and throat full of gunk... it's really effected my mood in new and interesting (and when I say interesting, I mean mostly negative) ways. But here I am, ready to review six randomly selected comic books from my weekly subscriptions. And why am I doing this, when I could have just as easily knocked myself out with some cold medicine and fallen asleep while watching reruns of Family Matters? For you, dear readers. All six of you.
Anyway, you're here, I'm sick... let's get this over with.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
My Name is Shanghai Joe (1972) [Review]
Some movie are, by design, rooted in the real world. For example, classic films like Sergio Leone's A Fistful of Dollars or Akira Kurosawa's Seven Samurai are totally fictitious, yet are easily accessible to audiences because they are anchored to real life places and time periods. And then sometimes, you get a film about a kung-fu master who travels to the Wild West in order to protect Latino farmhands from incredibly racist ranchers.
This film is one of the latter.
Friday, December 9, 2011
Friday Clip-Show! [Video]
Italian Spiderman is a film parody of Italian action–adventure films of the 60s and 70s, first released on YouTube in 2007. The parody purports to be a "lost Italian film" by Alrugo Entertainment, an Australian film-making collective formed by Dario Russo, Tait Wilson, David Ashby, Will Spartalis and Boris Repasky.
Ostensibly an Italian take on the comic book superhero Spider-Man, the film is a reference to foreign movies that misappropriate popular American superheroes such as the Indian version of Superman (1987), I Fantastici Tre Supermen (3 Fantastic Supermen) (1967) and La Mujer Murcielago (The Batwoman) (1968). It also resembles the movie The Bathman dal pianeta Eros (1982).
A trailer was released, followed by a full-length feature made up of ten mini-episodes.
- From Wikipedia
Thursday, December 8, 2011
The Pull List #1- “Pull List Begins” [Review]
[Editors Note] - Hiya, folk! Welcome to Pizza Xtreme Team's first weekly special column, one in which I take a look at six randomly selected comic books from my weekly subscriptions and do super-quick reviews on them. This article will run every Thursday (day after New Releases are out), and I'll also be rating each book as a Buy, Skim, or Pass.
Now, before I begin, there is one little point I'd like to make so that I don't get a deluge of e-mails later. As the weeks go by, those of you who read this column will notice that I will be reviewing more DC Comics books than Marvel, Dark Horse, Boom! Studios, IDW, Image, or any other publisher. No, I am not in any way affiliated with DC Comics. Yes, I enjoy Marvel books a great deal. Yes, I know that I may not read what are widely-regarded as “the best books being made at this time.” Finances being what they are, I simply can't afford to pick up and review a comic outside of my current subscriptions. I'm sorry, I just can't do it.
OK! Enough of the prologue, let's talk about some comics!
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (PS3, Singleplayer) [Review]
I'm going to be completely upfront here with this review, I haven't been a fan of this franchise or genre. The idea of a military first person shooter just doesn't appeal to me. I've never been one to play "war" as a kid, why would I want to play a glorified expensive version as an adult? Plus I don't feel like I fall into their target demographic, being neither a frat boy or an angry, angst-filled 14 year old. I thought though, why not broaden my horizons? Plenty of people seem to like these games, hell, some folks buy consoles just to play them! Maybe there's something I'm missing, being that the last Call of Duty game I played was on the PS2 and had me storming the beaches of Normandy...although that could of been Medal of Honor, I dunno. It was a long time ago. Regardless, I'm sure you get the point, this is not my genre-- but why not give it a shot? I'm going to be open-minded about it. Maybe it's not as bad as I think.
Monday, December 5, 2011
The Muppets (2011) [Review]
Ever since I was a kid, there have been three main major pop culture constants in my life: Adam West's Batman, the musical styling of Weird Al Yankovic, and the Muppets. Sure, as I grew older, other facets of geekdom crept in and molded me into the fully-functioning manchild that I am today... HOWEVER- Adam West, Weird Al, and Muppets have been these since the beginning. When it comes to the Muppets, I have bared witness to the veritable roller coaster of quality that the franchise has gone through, from the good (the first two movies, Muppet Christmas Carol, and even the short-lived Muppets Tonight!) to the bad (Muppet Treasure Island, Muppet Wizard of Oz, Muppets from Space... pretty much anything after 1999). And then, save for a few brief appearances, Kermit and the gang disappeared from the public eye.
And sadly, I went on with my life, resigned to the reality that the Muppets were old news. And then, around a year and a half or so ago, I read a brief article stating that someone, namely that guy from How I Met Your Mother that's not NPH, had written a script that would, hopefully, invigorate the Muppet franchise... and I couldn't be happier. I waited the for the film to be released, sometimes literally on the edge of my seat. I finally got a chance to check out The Muppets last week, and I'm here to tell you, it was worth the wait.
Kirby's Return to Dreamland (Wii) [Review]
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Welcome to Pizza Xtreme Team!
Welcome to the first live day of our blog! You're probably wondering two things: "What is this blog for?" and "Why is it called Pizza Xtreme Team?" Well, I'm here to answer one of those questions. Pizza Xtreme Team is a blog created to cover all forms of cool and geeky pop culture. From video games, comics, movies, news and even our opinions, you'll get it all right here. Right now we're mainly focusing on the written word, but soon enough we plan on expanding into video content, a podcast, our own web comics, and maybe even a little bit of animation if we get the time. Basically we wanna be your one stop shop for all kinds of awesomesauce geek content. If you don't know us (or want to read what we wrote about ourselves in the third person) be sure to check out The Team page and get acquainted. Now, let the PXT commence!