Monday, August 27, 2012

Pizzacast! 09 - First Blood

Pizzacast is back with another classic episode! This week, we discuss a ton of stuff that was way more topical a month ago when we recorded, such as the Penny Arcade Kickstarter campaign, mc chris' YouTube breakdown, San Diego ComicCon highlights, and Gallagher. Enjoy!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Play the 16-Bit Demake of Borderlands, "The Border Lands"

Looks like the fine folks at Gearbox have made (or hired some geniuses) to demake Borderlands into a 16-bit top-down shooter!  It kind of plays like a mash-up of Borderlands and Smash TV, and is actually really fun!  It's a great time-waster if Adventure Ponies isn't your thing. Hit the jump for the link!

Monday, August 20, 2012

World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Trailer Arrives [Video]

I'll be honest, I've never been much on an MMO guy... but after seeing this trailer, I may have to take the plunge into World of Warcraft.

Check it out after the jump!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Weekly Craft Geekery: 8/13/12

Hey there! I know it's been a while. I started a new job, moved and junk. I think things have finally settled down for the moment, so Weekly Craft Geekery is back with a vengeance! I hope to write other articles too, so look out for that! Let's jump right into this thing and lemme show you some awesome stuff.  I found an awesome vintage inspired comic bow, a neat shark necklace,  comic book cover covered table, comic ladies skirt, Harley Quinn cosplay pop gun and more awesome stuff you just have to see for yourself!


This awesome vintage inspired hair bow features The Hulk, Captain America, Spider-Man, Iron Man and others! This is so cute I can barely stand it! It would look good with your hair up or down.  Whether you read the comics or loved The Avengers movie, or both let your geek girl flag fly on your head! You can find this and tons of super adorable hair ties at the Etsy store, Oh Honey Hush


Check out the rest of the stuff after the jump!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Final Fantasy Project Part 1 of 14: The Warriors of Light (FF1)

Hiya folks!  So after playing through Theatrhythm Final Fantasy I was hit with an epiphany.  I've played all the Final Fantasy games, sure, but I haven't actually completed very many of them at all.  I figured I might as well remedy this AND write about my experiences with each game!  That way I can obtain super-rad nerd cred for beating all the Final Fantasy games and you all can learn stuff about each one (do they stand the test of time, are the stories good, etc) and/or laugh at my misery as I get burnt out by around FFIII.

So let's get this Phantom Final Fantasy train a-rollin' as I tell you all about my epic adventure through the first Final Fantasy game, aptly titled, Final Fantasy.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy [Review] (3DS)

Final Fantasy is a series known for many things, one of them being its bombastically epic music.  It only makes sense that Square-Enix would leverage FF's vast musical history to make a rhythm game.  The real question is though, in this post-Rock Band/Guitar Hero world does anyone really want to play a music game-- and would a Final Fantasy music game really appeal to anyone who isn't a huge FF fan-person?