Thursday, January 26, 2012

Introducing the Pizzacade!

Notice anything new on the menu bar? No? Go look, there's a new button up there and it's for a new feature we're introducing here at Pizza Xtreme Team!  It's the Pizzacade!  Since PXT Robot Ghost Throwdown Showdown (or PXTRGTS) came out, quite a few of you actually played it, so we here at the PXT thought, why not add more games?  So now when you wanna kill some time with some killer Flash games --curated by us so you know none of them suck-- just click the Pizzacade button on the menu bar! We'll try to add some new titles every week, some made by us and some by others from around the 'net.  Have fun!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Pizza Xtreme Team Robot Ghost Throwdown Showdown (Update) [Game]

Click to Play!

The Pizza Xtreme Team Fortress is full of Robot Ghosts-- and only the official, pizza-launching, PXT security robot Pizza Bot can stop them!  Instructions are located in game so go ahead and start playing! Follow the jump for some other info!